It didn’t last long…

For a fleeting moment last week Izzy decided it would be ok if the baby was a boy. But this morning when her teasing father asked her what she would do if the baby was a boy she replied…

“Chuck it out and call it Muski

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    1. ahh, children, such wonderful creatures.

      our freinds little one (3 and a bit) loves his little sister now, the first couple of days wasnt so good though, he would interupt anyone talking with a “Don’t talk about”, but now they are best mates (can a 6 month old be the best mate of a 3 and a bit year old)..

      chrisitne wanted some info on the “hanging bedding” can you help, she was impressed with the idea :)

    2. LOL, SIL is expecting too, and her 4 year old has the same attitude.. there is no way it’s going to be a boy according to her ;)

    3. You gotta love kidos! They tell it like it is… today in my first grader’s class, a girl asked me what I had done to my HAIR!? and I said, I curled it.
      she told me.
      Little liar.

    4. LMAO I am pissing myself laughing here!! E told me out of no where the other day that your baby was a boy it took me by surprise as we haven’t mentioned your growing belly for a bit lol