I’ve scrapped!

I happened to get a lovely surprise in the mail last night…. and it has finally helped me find some inspiration and motivation!

This LO is made entirely of the gorgeous Debf’s goodies. Mostly from her new collection ‘That’s my Collection’ which you can find here at pbp. Well worth a bit of a splurge on such gorgeous items… and while you are at it pop over to Deb’s blog for loads of inspiration too!

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    1. woohoo! you found some scrap-mojo! it’s so kewl to see what you did with the kit, and I’m so glad you liked it.

    2. Really nice layout. I also wanted to mention that you and the other designers at pickleberrypop are so incredibly talented. Now that I am exploring the digital scrapping world I purchased two of your designs Bag Ladies and Presents! and one by Chris Turnbull – Whimsical Summer. So looking forward to playing with your designs. Thinking the Presents! package will be a great one to do some layouts for the girls first birthday coming up in May.