Just Friday.

Some Friday randomness for you all…

There is a certain Small Boy who resides in this house who has a magic ability to drive me insane, crack me up and melt my heart all at once. How do they do that?

The end of the school week, yay for that. I don’t have to haul the girls out of bed for a whole two days, though of course they’ll get up at the crack of dawn all on their own over the weekend I bet!

Sunshine is back gracing out part of the world and my washing basket is so relieved! Now I have piles and piles of clean dry clothes to fold and put away…. joy!

We have eggs, three of them today alone!

I spent a lovely hour just swinging in the hammock thinking while the boy child played in the sandpit and chattered away. There are so many other things I could have been doing this afternoon, but I’m so glad I didn’t.

It has been decided…. Dash will meet our dinner table on Wednesday. I wonder if any of us are really ready for this no matter how many books we’ve read?

Happy Weekend everyone.

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  1. I love this blog of yours… its a lovely way to keep track of where you’re at and what you and the kids have been up to.. with the beautiful photos to go with them too. Love, Chi