Just Make Pikelets.

He bellowed like a wounded wilder beast.

“But you promised!”

I did promise, but I really didn’t want to paint, I just didn’t.

The toddler add a “I hungey!” for good measure then the chorus went around….

“I’m hungry too.” “Me too.”

“But you promised I could paint! Your proooomised!”

Some days all I can do is stand there while chaos erupts around me.

And some days, I just give up, and make pikelets.

I knew that cooking would trump painting (at least for today) and that at least I could kill two birds with one stone – something to do AND something to eat.

So I ignored the piles of washing and the dinner that needed to be made.

I added refined white sugar to refined white flour and I didn’t even care.

pikelet recipe

I let the toddler stir and the five year old crack eggs.

I sent the girls out to hunt for strawberries in the garden because I couldn’t face the mess of jam.


When the strawberries ran out I added choc chips, and we all ate as many choc chips as we put in the pikelets.

I let the kids eat and eat until they were sticky, and full, and happy, even though it was only an hour before dinner.

Today I was not a ‘perfect parent’, but I was the perfect parent for my kids.

Easy Pikelet Recipe

Easy Pikelet Recipe

Pikelets or 'drop scones' are like small, bite sized, pancakes. They make a quick, easy and delicious snack.


  • 1 cup of self raising flour
  • 2 tbs sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 3/4 cup of milk
  • butter for the fry pan


  1. Beat the egg and sugar together, then add the flour and milk alternately. Add more or less milk until you get a smooth pourable but not too runny mixture.
  2. Heat up your fry pan and brush with butter.
  3. Spoon or pour a little mixture into the pan and cook until bubbles begin to appear then flip over and cook the other side.
  4. To add extras, once the bubbles begin to appear drop thin slices of strawberry or small choc chips or other goodies onto the pikelet and push them in a little. Flip over and cook the other side then enjoy!

pikelet recipeIt’s amazing how much better the day can seem after a pikelet or three.

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    1. Sometimes we ‘just make pikelets’ too and Little Miss B loves them. Our recipe is pretty much the same but I haven’t tried it with strawberries – I must remember them for next time.

    2. Thank you, best drop scone recipe ever. Just made a sleepy rainy holiday PJ day today. Makes a great amount too, no leftovers.