You Know Your Children.

You know your children better than anyone... Don't forget that.

You know your children.

You know them better than anyone.

You know them logically, emotionally, and deep down in your gut…
You know them.

You know what they are capable of, what they struggle with, what they need.

Even when you are worried that you don’t… you do.

You know them.

Don’t forget that.

Your knowledge of them will be changed and influenced by the people you meet and the things you learn, but that just makes your knowledge better, deeper, stronger.

Don’t let books, or experts make you think they know them better, because they don’t. Read it all, listen to it all, then let that new knowledge sink in and combine with the knowledge you already have of your children.

Don’t let the internet, or the school Mums, or your family, make you second guess that knowledge. If you know that your child will shove the beads up his nose then don’t do that activity you saw on pinterest. If you know your child won’t respond to being pushed, even though he is capable, then stand up for him.

You don’t need to make a song and dance about it, you don’t need to cause a scene… just smile and say ‘thanks for advice’ and remember that you know your children.

You. Know. Them.

Some days I just need to be reminded.

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    1. Don’t we all need reminding of this some days Kate! But you’re so right – you know your kids better than anyone ever will. Sometimes I think parent teacher interviews would be time better served having the parents tell teachers what they know about their kids. I learnt never to assume that knowledge is passed along with them from year to year, teacher to teacher. You need to be their biggest fan.

      1. Our school has trialed something similar this year with a teacher ‘meet and greet’… I went along to it for all three of my kids, even though I knew all three teachers well (small school so my kids often have the same teacher several times) because a lot can change, even over the summer holidays!
        I hope our school continues with the idea!

    2. As they get older and move into their late teens and 20’s that is unfortunately not so true (: as they like to remind us “You know Mom you really don’t know me that well”

      1. I don’t know about that… sure my Mum doesn’t know everything about me any more, but she still KNOWS me… deep down, she knows me better than anyone!

    3. Very true and very well said Kate.

      One of the most important places, but also one of the most difficult places, to remember that you know your child best is when they are in hospital.

      Despite all of the expertise of all of the medicos (and certainly they do know their stuff) – the person who knows your child best is you. Trust that. Fight for that. Trust your instinct.

      1. Oh that is so true… it is not easy to remember when faced with ‘experts’ but it is important for us to be our children’s advocates, no matter what!