Let Them Be Little.

Parenting Quote - Let me remember to let them be little while they still are.

He doesn’t need to learn to read right now…

She doesn’t have to give away all her dolls…

He is going to cry sometimes…

She isn’t always going to remember to put her shoes away…

Sometimes it will end in a melt down…

Some nights she will sleep holding your hand…

Let them be who they are.

Give them what they need right now.

There is no rush.

Let them get messy.

Let them jump in puddles.

Let them be noisy.

Let them be silly.

Let them have cuddles.

Let them be little.

Even the big ones are still little in so many ways.

Don’t push them to grow up too soon, because all too soon they will be already grown.

Let me remember, to let them be little… while they still are.

Let me remember, to let them be little... while they still are.

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    1. That made me well up in tears!!!! That’s so beautiful and I couldn’t agree with you more. They are so little, even when they are big. Very touching post.

      1. Same here!! :”) I have two girls… a 1 1/2 year old and a 4 1/2 year old. This got me in the feels…

    2. I need this reminder more often than I care to admit! With kindergarten looming, I’m so worried about getting her “ready” that what I need to do is just let her be.

    3. My girl is 4 years old and I couldn’t agree more with your ideas. My mother and mother-in-law have always been worried for my baby’s safety. I totally understand them, but still, there’s no need to push a baby. First time she could stand by herself was 9 months. By that time, most babies already could stand up by themselves. There’s been so many worries about that. Guess what: now, 2 years and several months later, it doesn’t matter.