Make a Tiara!

free printable tiara template

Of course my girls wanted to decorate crowns.. ahem… I mean, tiaras, at their recent birthday party. I had plans to take the easy way out and buy pre-cut paper crowns… ahem… I mean, tiaras, at the local art shop, but they were all out and so was every other shop I tried. I checked out a few printable templates online but none of them were quite right, so there was nothing left to do but make them myself.

We managed to fit two tiaras on an A4 page. You can either print them straight on to your coloured card (we used cover paper) or make a template (we used an empty cereal box) and trace around the template onto each page. Cut out your crowns and punch a hole on each side.

Decorate your crowns any way you like, then thread elastic through the holes and tie, testing it to make sure it fits the head of the intended prince, princess, king, queen, or elven wizard prince first. For the party I tied elastic onto one side of all the crowns before the event so they were still flat and easy to decorate but it made it quick and easy to tie them up and put them on when done.

picklebums tiara template

Click on the image above to download the printable template as a pdf document.

Or if you are looking for more of a crown rather than a tiara…

make a crown

Check out this free crown printable here.

Once you are done making your crown or tiara , you might like to check out some of our other printablesFive Green Frogs Stick Puppets, Christmas Tags and Rainbow Cupcake Toppers.

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    1. Very nice! It’s always great to have an activity to keep the little dears amused at a party – we did sombrero and paper-plate maraca decorating at Snowbear’s ‘fiesta’ party earlier this year :-) xxx

    2. A much better size than the pre-cut foam ones we made, and this activity was one of the more popular ones at our party too, especially with Princess who was very happy to find left-over crowns, er, tiaras, afterwards and continue making them :)

    3. What great tiaras! I’m glad to see this activity doesn’t go out of style. My daughter (2.5) and I made a crown the other day. She hasn’t stopped wearing it, and even her 16 month old brother (who normally rips off hats as soon as they land on his head) enjoys wearing it!

    4. Thanks so much for this fabulous template -it was perfect for our craft activity at Sunday School this morning. All of the kids loved making their own crown and dressing up as the three wise men. I’m definitely bookmarking your site. What fabulous ideas you have -thanks for sharing them!

    5. Perfect! Thanks! We will use these at my baby’s party today. :o) I’ll blog it Monday! Ironic, given our blog names. Pinning and following! Hugs! Charlie

    6. Thank you for the Tiara pattern Kate. I am making Xmas Bon Bons with Community Care group of ladies in their 80’s and I wanted something other than the usual boring hat that goes into a bonbon…
      xx Gail