My Little Indian.

This morning as we were driving into town I heard that familiar “Mama…” from the back seat. You know the one, when there is that certain inclination to the word Mama so that you just know some momentous question is about to follow…

“Mama….” said Zoe. “When I am ten (the girls think that ‘ten’ is VERY grown up)…. can I change my name???”

“Change your name?”

“Yes, when I am grown up, can I change my name.”

“I guess, if you really want to. What will your change your name to???”

I admit I feared the worst “Barbie” perhaps? Or Tinkerbell? For a long time she made everyone call her Nemo…. so I held my breath and cringed just a little as she told me…

“Tiger Lily…. you can call me Lily for my short name”.

Hmm Tiger Lily… Lily… you know, as far as names go, I don’t mind that at all.

“Sure” I told her ” When you are ten, if you want to change your name to Tiger Lily, that is just what we’ll do”

Though I have to confess, I kind of hope that particular promise doesn’t come back to bite me on the bum in ten years time, cause Zoe is the one I was sure about when it came to naming my children.

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    1. Cute! I always wanted to change my name when I was about 7 or 8yrs old. To Dorothy (from Wizard of Oz) or Cindy (from the Brady Bunch). I was deadly serious. I hated my name – how sad!

      BTW, did I say how much I loved the pix of the girls on their birthday?? so cute!

    2. My four-year old insists that I call her “Booboo” all the time. I think she got it from the movie Monsters, Inc. Anyhow, it’s annoying when she won’t answer to her name :)

    3. Well, you KNOW I always wanted to change my name, hehehe. I did get to change my name when I was 11 to Inga Lind – it’s still my legal name in Iceland…

      My brother Michael, wanted to change his name to Dick William…

      He never did though…

    4. You know you only have five years until that promise may need to be fulfilled? Hope you weren’t living in denial there – you now have FIVE year olds!!!

    5. I hope it doesn’t bite you on the bum too! lol

      We actually have to do this soon. TJ has overhead us comment to different people about how we wished we’d known that my husbands middle name was a family name handed down through the male line. If we’d known when TJ was born we’d have included it in his name. He’s decided that it is part of his name now and is just waiting for us to do the paperwork to make it officially so!