
Ok so I am guessing some of you are wondering what the heck my title is all about.. so was I when I saw it popping up on a few blogs of late. So, being a curious blogger I followed a few links to check it out. So NaBloPoMo stands for ‘National Blog Posting Month’, the idea being you post to your blog every day for the month of November! Despite the fact that I think it should be INatBloPoMo since the blogging world is rather more expansive than just the US I thought I’d give it a go!

So today being November 1st (well in this part of the world anyway, if it isn’t already on the otherside!) it is the day to start….

And um….



Wouldn’t you know it, I can’t really think of anything much to blog about today! Oooh the pressure the pressure… for the first time in perhaps EVER I don’t have anything to blog! Yes… me.. the one so addicted to blogging and reading blogs. The one who blogs things in her head as they happen in her life (hey come on I am not the only who does that surely!). The one who wonders if there someone might like to pay her to blog so she wouldn’t have to do anything else, ever… well apart from look after my children… hmm…

Well this will count as a post regardless of the fact that it is a boring one. And, you know, feel free to join me in this NaBloPoMo thing! :)

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    1. Uuuuummm… I’ve gone from not updating my blog in 6 months, only a couple of months ago, to actually keeping a written list of things I want to remember to blog about!
      Finding the time to do it though…. cause I just ramble far too much so each post takes me an hour! LOL
      Thanks for the laugh, and good luck with the blogging for tomorrow!