Never, Ever.
I swore I would never clean my kids’ faces with my own spit.
Never, ever, ever.
And yet, just the other day, right before an important meeting where I wanted to make a good impression, I realised my toddler’s face was filthy. Of course were were in a carpark, and of course the pack of wipes was empty… of course.
So I did the unthinkable… I spat on a tissue and traumatised my child for life.
What things did you say you would never, ever, do as a parent…. and yet you somehow find yourself doing?
I was never, ever going to reply to a whined “But whyyyyy?” with “Because I said so.”
Guess what I said when the kids were moaning about not getting ice cream last night.
I also said that I would never use spit on my kids faces, but sadly, have also done it once or twice..yuck!
It’s so gross and yet so convenient!
I said, “My children won’t watch any TV until they are two years old and even then it will be a once a week event.”
I wish I could go back and slap myself ha ha ha
I cleaned my child’s face with spit on a tissue for the first time two days ago….. I cringed at myself. I remember my mum doing it to us as kids and I thought it was gross then…. and it is still gross.
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My kids are 49 and 47. they swore they would never do this because I did. I said, “Yes, you will”. I don’t know if they ever did! funny!
oh, I did send them this link!
I had to laugh. I hated having my face cleaned by spit as a kid but have found myself doing it with my son (who hates it)…we told him it’s the “glory of life” LOL – something all mums do to their kids :-)