NoBloShoPoMo.. or something…

it seems that one of the NoBloPoMo themes this year is to post a photo of your shoes each day for the month…I can’t say I am a big shoe fanatic, in fact I could never post a photo a day for a month because I don’t even own half that many shoes. Up until I bought these cheap but groovy new shoes yesterday I hadn’t bought myself new shoes in over a year. I struggle to find value in the price of shoes, though I do tend to buy one pair that I love and wear them until they fall apart so I do get rather good value out of them in the end.

Maybe it is all the shoe pictures I have seen this past week, or maybe it is just that I am finally growing up a little but I am beginning to see the benefits that a cool pair of shoes can bring. I can see potential for the right pair of shoes to really make a difference, make me look cool even if I am wearing daggy old 3/4 jeans (that I LOVE so bad I am devastated that they have a hole!) and the oldest stained, stretched T-shirt I own. Lucky for you guys you can only see my very groovy feet hey!

But where to find truly ace and groovy shoes? spam me people!

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