Online resources for kids.

My kids generally have very limited access to the internet, both through circumstances (crappy country net access) and my personal views on kids and technology and boundaries we’ve set. But with the school holidays almost upon us, winter weather keeping us inside more and the uncertainty of exactly when this baby will arrive making big excursions a little more tricky… well I’m relaxing our net rules a little and I’ll be letting all three kids enjoy a little more computer time than they’d normally get.

Some of things we’ll be enjoying online over the holidays…

Story Nory.
This an awesome site full of free downloadable spoken stories. They have a fabulous selection of traditional stories and fairy tales as well as other stories and when we have the chance we stock up and load up the kid’s MP3 players with stories for bed time, car trips or just chilling out.

Starfall is my girls chosen free reading activities web site. They’ll be very pleased to hear they can use it more than once in a blue moon!

Crick Web

Crick web is another favourite free access website, this one has literacy, numeracy, science and more activities in a variety of age ranges/developmental stages. Muski’s fav is ‘scary spuds’.

Do you have a fabulous online resource for young children that you’d like to share?

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    1. Of less importance: thanks for this, lots of resonance, for me, right now.

      Of more importance: CONGATULATIONS!!!! On the beautiful new addition. Way to go. What a boy!