Organise ’08 – Clothes Storage Dilema

I think it’s safe to assume that if I couldn’t manage to get to the bottom of the laundry basket when life was reasonably sane, then there is little chance that it is going to happen now, mid November when life is totally mental. But (are you really not supposed to start a sentence with ‘but’ because it feels so right sometimes) you know… there is always that glimmer of hope. That wild crazy dream that for a moment.. however fleeting that moment may be, that just for one moment there might not be any dirty washing in my house. I am not sure why I continue to bash my head against the brick wall and strive for this washing nirvana, but I do. I have a feeling that if I ever actually achieved it, seeing the bottom of the laundry basket, that it may be such a momentous occasion that I’d have a heart attack and drop dead on the spot… but hey at least I’d die with no dirty washing in my house!

Arrghh… I think the craziness of this coming week is getting to me already, I am sounding like some housework obsessed crazy woman, when in reality, it’s a good day in this house when everyone has a pair of clean undies to wear… and heck this is not at all what I wanted to write about… how on earth did I get so side tracked?

Ah yes… washing… I’ve been doing some today. Taking advantage of the sunshine and the fact that I won’t need to go pick up the Twinadoes until 4pm (all good vibes to incredibly wonderful kinder mum who invited my girls to play!) I’ve attempted to wash a big back log of clothes and put them away and while I was taking washing off the line, folding and sorting as I went (cause I was being a good house wife today) I came across a clothes storage dilemma and I need some help.

The girls share a bed room, they share a wardrobe and storage unit and more and more often they share clothes. In the past I’ve kept their clothes separate to make it easier to grab and run in the mornings but these days I have little to no say over what they wear and I can never pick who is going to go for which t-shirt. So now I am thinking (yes dangerous I know)… it would make my life easier to stop trying to sort t-shirts and undies in a Zoe pile and an Izzy pile… so maybe I could just chuck them all in together?

I know… really stupid, crazy, ‘who cares’ kind of question…. but seriously… before I go spending hours rearranging things and finding that it doesn’t work and having to spend more hours putting it all back… surely someone out there has some advice for me?

Someone with twins? Or someone with kids who share a room and share clothes????

Is this going to make life easier or harder? Chuck it all in together or keep separating?

I know… I ask the most life altering, important questions don’t I!!??? LOL

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    1. Well, my big boys share a bedroom and COULD share clothes, but in grand “Bird” (I blame Dave for this) style, they’re too hung up on the whole, “That is MINE!” philosophy of life… Maybe it’s different with sisters and clothes sharing, who knows…

      If the girls are sharing clothes, I’d say, save yourself the labour of sorting, and just chuck it all in together.

      Our boys have their own drawers, and while I couldn’t always tell you who owns which item of clothing, they sure can (and dump the misplaced items of clothing on the floor with such a look of disgust that you’d think the “other brother”s clothing was contaminated with small pox or some such pestulance…

    2. No twins! No kids! No experience! but i’d ask them- then at least they have to live with a decision that is neither life threatening or truly important – great way to learn decision making. If they don’t care, it seems the easiest option – until they both want the same garment!!! Maybe in deciding they can work out a way they will decide this when it happens. I am into tossing a coin, but they will probably have a much more complicated sollution


    3. We have so little storage at our house that their clothes have always been put together. They share shirts, jeans etc anything that is not distinctive, but they have things that are theirs which they seem to work out who owns what between themselves. There is even just one big pile of socks and singlets and underpants. And somehow they seem to know who wears which pair (there are some colours which are shared). So much easier to put clothes away, no dividing up.

    4. I would ask the girls what they think. Then go with that–and hold them to abide by what they chose.

      I know, I’m so simplistic, eh? (really I’m lazy, LOL!)

      I agree with the commenter who said that they probably know which things belong to which girl (if they care…) and hey, if they don’t care, then they’ll probably share the skivvies too, and is that really so bad for sisters and so young?

    5. no answers here, cos I have no experience with twins.

      My girls do share clothes on occasion now they are older and similar sizes, but still need their stuff to be their stuff.