Organise ’08 – Spring Clean!

Yes I know I said I was switching ‘Organise ’08’ for ‘Renovate ’09’ but it’s my blog and I reserve the right to chop and change whenever I like… besides… I really need to get organised if we are going to tear down half our house hey?

So spring is here in this part of the world – by the calendar if not always by the state of the weather – so time to spring clean. I’m feel pretty good about the general state of our house at present, well some days, but there are still a lot of things that need work and if I blog about them I might just feel pressured enough to achieve some of them!

The study
This room will go when we start the renovations and we’ll have to find a new home for the computer (that is if we still have net access at all by then). It’s likely it will be housed in a corner of the dining room (which will probably also be our kitchen for a while – fun!). I think there is space to squeeze in one small desk that will hold the PC and associated bits and that’s it, so there is going to have to be a radical de-clutter of this room, and that is an understatement! I need to get rid of heaps of stuff and find new homes for other things…. it’s the room I’ve constantly put off doing anything about all year, so it is a BIG job.

The Master Bedroom
Or ‘the master, mistress and little master bedroom’ as it should be called in our house. It is already home to a fair bit of junk that needs to be sorted and it could just do with a damn good clean. I need to be ruthless with the contents of the wardrobe (if you could call it that – since it is just racks of wire baskets along one wall!) and get rid of some clothes and junk with the view to storing some non-clothing things there when the renovations begin and we loose what little storage space we have.

The back Garden.
I need to find a way to tame the plastic grave yard. Our current storage isn’t enough nor easily accessible for the kids to get out or put anything away (ha! like they ever put anything away) and besides it will cease to exist when we begin ripping apart our house so we need something that can sit out in the weather and is cheap and easy for sandpit toys, balls, skipping ropes etc.

The Twinadoe’s Bedroom
I recently gave this a huge de-clutter as the girls are very keen on ‘playing in their room’ at the moment. There is one last thing I really want for that room – under bed storage! I must must must remember to go price up some boxes or look at options.

This has kind of turned out to be a ‘Renovate 09’ post after all… pretty much all this organising is related to the fact that we are preparing to rip off the back of our house early next year.

We’ve lived through the fun of not having a kitchen or bathroom once before; right around the time the girls were born in fact. This time we are minus the heavily pregnant on bed rest woman and plus three small children – I am not sure which is worse!?! It’s all part of the fun though, and even when it stops being fun (about a week in I suspect) we’ll just have to grin and bear it as best we can. We have no choice as our budget (or lack there of) means we can’t afford to go live somewhere else while it’s happening, plus we are doing a lot of the work ourselves so it will be a slower process than usual. So I am going to need to be as organised as possible. It will all be worth it in the end though… I’m sure of it!

So who else is spring cleaning? Or Autumn cleaning I guess if you are up the other end of the world! Anyone with some nifty storage tips or tricks or links? Anyone else writing a public to do list?

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    1. I’m not quite spring cleaning, but I have regular urges if that counts! There’s never a good time with all these kids LOL. But I’m going to try slowly slowly on the days they are with Grandma. Could well work out to be summer cleaning at that rate!

    2. I have a great storage tip for you: –
      Don’t have anything to store. Any clothes not used since last season eg hot or cold, Chuck. Any kitchen stuff not used in last month, Chuck. Any bath bubbles/ makeup etc not currently in use, Chuck. If it helps your recycling heart, chuck it to the op shop. Forget all the stuff people tell you about how you can make $$ at garage sale Just get rid of it. You probably should not have spent $$$ on it when you acquired it, but you did.

      I am getting better and better at this in anticipation of sale/move It makes my whole being lighter not worrying about sorting/cleaning/storing stuf.To say nothing of the freedom from guilt for having bought it in the first place

      Anything that is textiles KEEP because you will certainly need it!!!It takes up an enormous amount of space but inspite of Si’s thoughts – thats what sheds are for

      well that’s my philosophy on life – I readily concede other approaches have value

    3. Yes I will be in the school holidays..*shudder* I am not looking forward to it, but am looking forward to having a proper study (rather than a junk room!)

      My tip-I’m off to IKEA! And planning a garage sale.

    4. It’s funny how much my list of “tasks” resembles yours, except we are not renovating. I’m just a clutterbug that makes lots of mess, aided and abetted by a partner and two small girls. The small boy doesn’t make much messy mess, just lots of washing:-)