Our Current and Future Sleeping Arrangements Vlog!

A while back, when I suggested you all ask me a question, a couple of readers asked how we managed six people in a two bedroom house. More specifically, how do we fit myself and all three of my men into one room?

Sharing the master bedroom with both my boys and my husband (though not all the time as he usually sleeps on the fold out couch in the lounge when he’s on shift) isn’t that big a deal really. The girls shared our bedroom till they were about 18 months old, and I have many friends who have a ‘family bed’ and share with more than two extra kids. But it is kind of a squeeze and I know Morgan is really wishing he had more of his own space, for his precious stuff, and somewhere he can go when he is cranky or needs a break.

So here it is… a quick vlog of our current sleeping arrangements and our future plans….

What are the sleeping arrangements like in your house?
What would you like them to be like??

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      1. I am always impressed at how you cope with renovations going on all the time! We cosleep here too. Before our second son arrived it was the three of us on a king size mattress on the floor. Then once no2 arrived it was me and bub in one room and daddy and no1 in the master bedroom. No2 is now 17 mths old and my partner had to travel for a few weeks for work, so our two boys and I moved into the master bedroom and when my partner got back we slapped the queen size mattress from the spare room on the floor beside the king and now we have a huuuuuge bed. When our first was around two and a half, when I was pregnant with our second, we did get him starting to sleep in a toddler bed in the master bedroom. But once his little brother arrived and it was daddy’s job to get him to sleep, daddy got ‘lazy’ and started letting him sleep in the bed with him again. Truth be told I love having my two boys snuggle in next to me at night, most of the time :) it makes breastfeeding the toddler much easier too.

    1. So cool Kate. I love reno posts. I hate reno’s at my place though. We’ve stopped. Only the main bathroom and laundry to go – but we’ve decided to live with for now. So over it all.

    2. thanks for sharing! we don’t have a sidecar, the small one is actually in our bed, but our room looks similar to yours, with the little girl’s bed (a full length toddler bed) tucked in one corner, two dressers, built in robe (although the floordrobe is in use atm) – and we have the space for children to have their own rooms!

    3. I loved seeing this Kate! We have a four bedroom house but only use two of those as actual bedrooms – the boys share a room and husb & I share a room. I really love it when the boys come into our bed at night though.

      Secretly I’d love it if we had a more fluid arrangement, say a couple of queen sized beds so anyone could sleep anywhere. But I doubt that would ever get across the line!

    4. So close now Kate – We have a shared arrangement too at the moment but thankfully wardrobes split the room in two. One or both end up in our bed by morning. I think I will miss it when they outgrow it.

    5. Loved the blog Kate. My 3 (almost 4) yr old co-sleeps with us, despite having his own room. I know I’ll miss it too when it ends.

    6. Hat off to you Kate! And I was whinging about my three bedroom home with four kids. As I always say “There’s always someone worse off than you”. But I love how you say it’s not a big deal! By the way, I’ve linked you up on the Twinmania page :)

    7. We too have small living/sleeping arrangements. We have also renovated our old House back at D’aguilar….its nice when its finished but then its kinda of also “what now” feeling!!
      We have four of our boys with us in our Motorhome – our second son sleeps in a tent next to the bus. Evently we would love to have a trailer with more bunk beds so that we have two in the Motorhome and two in the trailer!
      Your master bedroom is huge, and the French Doors are gorgeous.