Parenting is Hard

lucky you're cute

Parenting is hard.

It’s hardest on the days when everything is going well.

On the days when you’ve managed to get everyone up and ready for school on time.
On the days when you let the big boy have a good long play in the park on your way home.
On the days when you fold and put away the laundry instead of just piling it on top of yesterday’s unfolded basket full.
On the days when the baby has a good long sleep and you make a start on dinner at lunch time.
On the days when you spend time laughing with your most difficult child.
On the days when the baby will drink from the poison boob.
On the days when you arrive at school on time and the school kids greet you with smiles and tales of their day.

It is these days that are the hardest….
Because just when you think this is going to be a good day, a day when you tick off your to do list, and are on top of this parenting gig…

Just when things are going well, it all turns around and falls apart.

Children fight.
Voices are raised.
The baby cries.
And you are far from being Queen of your home.

Just when you think you’ve figured out this parenting gig, someone goes and changes the rules.
It’s like trying to memorise your lines in a play when someone is constantly changing the script.

Parenting is hard.


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    1. This bit rang so true with me
      “Just when you think you’ve figured out this parenting gig, someone goes and changes the rules.”

      so so true……

      try to breathe and keep on keeping on.


    2. As I am reading this the Darlings are screaming at each other, there are threats of pinching each other, the dog is running for cover, and the potatoes just boiled over on the stove. It was so peaceful a few hours ago….

    3. I think that it’s hardest when the children fight with each other – we’re struggling with that a bit at the moment. But when I see them holding each others’ hands when we’re going for a walk, or kissing each other goodnight, or when Doots tells me she wants to marry Oesch (!), it makes it all seem a bit more balanced. Conflict is part of life – and perhaps a loving, secure family is a safe place for children to learn and practice conflict resolution skills LOL!

      Love your blog Kate!

    4. Parenting is harder than I was told it would be. And no-one said it would be easy… ;-)
      hang in there, and soak up the snuggles – they really do seem to make it all better (they are definitely the best mummy-perk around).

    5. It is hard indeed. But kudos for getting the other stuff done. I generally just skip to your last paragraph at the start of my day :).

      And then some days really are good. xx

    6. Yep! The wonderful roller-coaster of parenting. You can think it is all going well for a little while, but it doesn’t last. I can so relate to the “someone changes the rules”. Hard, hard work

    7. And then you end up rocking them to sleep while you sing Miss Polly 87 times, cant move your leg as it has gone to sleep and wonder if you will be late for work yet again in the morning.

    8. look at all the queen activities you achieved! Its not your fault the rules changed maybe its an opportunity. I spent only 2 hours with my son last night – within the first 15 mins I was already being short with him and snapping at him. Imagine if I spent the whole day at home!