Plastic Cup Activities

When I saw the brightly coloured plastic shot glasses at the supermarket I immediately put two packets in my trolley, along with two packets of clear plastic cups.

I was not planning to play drinking games at a raucous party till 3 am, I was planning on having a bit of a sleep in on the weekend.

How do plastic cups get you more sleep?

This is how…

20 crafts and activities to do with plastic cups!

They may look like boring old plastic cups, but I knew my boys wouldn’t be able to resist exploring something new, so I simply put the plastic cups (I added a few Ikea cups we had already) on the table before I went to bed and hoped.

Plastic Cup Construction - how plastic cups let me sleep in!

I heard the boys get up in the morning, I heard them get themselves breakfast, then I heard them talking about the cups!

It wasn’t long till I heard the cups being stacked and un-stacked, I heard the boys challenging each other to build them higher, to stack them faster… and I dozed off and went back to sleep.

Sleep in for me! Thank you plastic cups!

Plastic cup play - lots of ideas for using cheap plastic cups

My boys have played with these cheap plastic cups for weeks now.

Building, counting, making patterns, practicing their speed stacking skills, making cities for their figurines…

Plastic cup play - lots of ideas for using cheap plastic cups

Plastic cup play - lots of ideas for using cheap plastic cups

There is so much learning and playing to be done with some simple, cheap, plastic cups… and you might even get a sleep in!

20 crafts and activities to do with plastic cups!

Pick up some plastic cups next time you are at the supermarket, or save some from your next party and give one these awesome plastic cup activities and crafts a go.

20 Plastic Cup Crafts and Activities.

Plastic Cup Activities

100 cup challenge – from Busy Kids Happy Mom.

Can you build a pyramid without touching the cups? Try this team challenge from There’s Just One Mommy.

Make a pom pom shooter – from Come Together Kids

We want to get some more cups so we can make this huge cup wall – from Homegrown Friends

Try one of these cool engineering challenges – from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Make a memory game – from Preschool Toolkit

We love these story cups – from Play Trains

Make a plastic cup rocket launcher – from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Learn the cup song! – from Midnight Music

Make some swinging nerf targets – from Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls

Try this architecture challenge – from Preschool Powol Packets

Make a number matching game – from Laughing Kids Learn.

Plastic Cup Crafts

Make a jelly fish – from Buggy and Buddy

Make some plastic cup twirlers – from I Can teach My Child

Make a simple wind chime – from Rainy Day Mum

These angel cup luminaries are gorgeous – from Molly Moo Crafts

Love this super simple, but gorgeous cup lantern – from PBS parents

Make a mini ghost pinata – from Red Ted Art

Make a mini drum – from Sunny Day Family

Make a cute little spider – from I Heart Crafty Things

What would your kids do with a heap of plastic cups?

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