Position Vacant – Tooth Fairy.

The teeth are falling out in rapid succession around here and it’s gross!

I’m not sure what it is about these tiny white wobbly bits of child that I find so off putting. There is just something about the constant ‘look my tooth is wobbly’ and the insistent wiggling and jiggling until the darn thing finally falls out and is presented to me like a small, slightly bloody trophy. It’s gross.

I’m normally very stoic and practical when it comes to less than pleasant bodily functions. Vomit, blood, poop… none of that phases me at all. So it’s more than a little unsettling to be so hee-bee-jeebied by the girls loosing teeth.

I don’t like being the tooth fairy either.

Give me the job of Santa or the Toy Fairy or even the mightily annoying Magic Mermaid (who has a magic knack of finding every lost thing and returning it no matter how impossible – thanks Mum!) over the Tooth Fairy any day. Having to remember to exchange the tooth for some cash after the girls are dead to the world is not easy, let me tell you. Twice now I have been sprung creeping in to make the transfer when someone was not quite asleep, but it’s that or forget to do it all together!

And what am I… ahem… I mean what is the Tooth Fairy supposed to do with all those teeth anyway? Keep them? Fashion them into some kind of bizarre craft? I am at a loss.

Perhaps my way too early run in with this Tooth Fairy gig has put me off for life…

Whatever it is, I wish the girls would stop loosing their teeth for bit, or that someone would volunteer come to my house and take on the roll of the Tooth Fairy for the next um… 16 or so years?

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    1. Yours is not the tooth fairy post I have read today as this was re-posted on facebook this morning when the tooth fairy forgot to call elsewhere:

      I have to say that the price of teeth has certainly gone up since my day!

      As kids we left our teeth in the bathroom (that’s where the toothbrush is Mum!) so our tooth fairy had it a bit easier. :) We alwso had lovely handmade tooth fairy pillows with little pockets to leave the teeth in.

      Our tooth fairy was very forgetful and, after some math lessons at school, we (perhaps I, being the eldest of the 5!) decided to charge the tooth fairy a 100% late fee. This was allowed, for one night only, regardless if the tooth fairy forgot twice. As I said, teeth were cheaper back then!

      And your earlier experience was horrid indeed!

    2. The tooth fairy still has your little baby teeth, so I say keep the girls’ teeth and we will make something crafty out of all of them one day!!

    3. That is seriously gross nanny b!!!
      We came across our old teeth while helping my parents to move. Yuk! I told them to throw them out.

    4. My kids know not to talk to me about their teeth, not when they’re wobbly and certainly NOT when they’ve fallen out. I adore my children, but honestly have never TOUCHED (or even peeked at) one of their fallen-out teeth. Dave is the only person in this house with the tooth fairy’s contact number, so they’d better hope he sticks around until they’re all finished with their baby teeth…

    5. HA! I get the gross thing. “Hey Mum. Look at THIS!” wiggle wiggle wiggle Gross!

      I say keep one tooth and get rid of the rest. Unless you want to make a necklace out of it. GROSS!

    6. Love it! The Tooth Fairy causes all manner of problems around here too – mostly because she is always late. Never turns up on the day she’s expected, it always takes a few days for her to remember the way to the Fibro!

      Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro! :-)