More Printable Imaginative Play Mats!

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land and Space Land!

We’ve had so much fun playing with the first two printable imaginative play mats that I created, and so many of you have told me all the fun ways you have used them and given me some great ideas for some new play mats, so here you go – here are two new printable imaginative play mats!

Frozen Land!

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land and Space Land!

My kids love the movie as much as everyone else, and since it is has been cold and frosty here all week, I thought this ‘Frozen Land’ play mat would be perfect for some icy fairy imaginative play!

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land and Space Land!

I love watching Noah set up this little scene. He hunted out all the blue, white and silver things we have had out for block play including old CDs and some tin cans and arranged them carefully. He dragged his sisters over the minute they walked in the door from school and was so pleased to show them his ‘frozen land’.

Space Land!

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land and Space Land!

And because Noah loves ‘facemen’ and ‘face ships’ right now I thought I’d make him a ‘Face Land’.. I mean Space Land. The boys spent the afternoon building space ships and rockets and UFOs and moon buggies out of Lego to populate Space Land.

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land and Space Land!

This time around I wanted to try out printing the play mats in a larger format so I created a big version of space land and printed it ‘poster’ style over four A4 pages. Then I just had to trim some edges and tape it together.

Download Frozen Land in A4 size here and in large format here.

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Frozen Land

Download Space Land in A4 size here and in large format here.

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - Space Land!

To print the large format play mats, make sure you select ‘poster’ from page size and handling options in the Adobe Acrobat printer settings. The large format play mats will print onto four separate sheets of paper that you can then tape together.

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats - how to print large format

You can download the original free printable imaginative play mats here.

Free Printable Imaginative Play Mats

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    1. These are great. Well done. I am going to print these and your original ones for now and when I get a bit more time I will piece some together with felt and other embellishments.

    2. So excited about Space Land! My husband loves all things planet/space related and it is clear my boys are starting to share his passion. What a great way to have them play/learn together :-)

    3. Loving your printables – my kids have great imaginations and these will be well used I am sure!