Little Birdy Printable Letter Writing Set for Kids

This free printable letter writing paper set for kids is great for encouraging reluctant writers and helping kids learn how to write letters.

Everyone loves to get a real letter in the mail, and since snail mail isn’t so common these days, getting a letter can be really exciting for kids. And the best way to get a letter is to write one!

two images - top image child's hand writing on paper, bottom image selection of printable letter writing papers

Writing a letter is a great way to encourage a reluctant writer, and a special way to keep in touch with family and friends, or to thank someone special. And fun letter writing stationary is a great way to encourage kids to write a letter.

This free printable Little Birdy letter writing set for kids is a great way to get your kids started with letter writing.

Letter writing paper with child's hands writing

Free Printable Letter Writing Set for Kids

This Little Birdy letter writing set for kids includes three different designs, all with fun colours, and cute little birdies!

Each design has a page with ‘dotted thirds’ lines with ‘Dear’ and a ‘love from’ in pre-cursive script to help beginning writers get started. There is also a page with dotted thirds with no words, a page with a space to draw a picture with dotted thirds lines underneath, and a page with plain lines.

Plus each design has a matching envelope. To make to envelopes simple cut around the envelop shape, and fold in the flaps on all four sides along the white lines. Fold in the side flaps first, then the bottom flap. You can use a little flue or double sided tape to stick the bottom flap to the sides if you like. Add some glue or a sticker to hold the top flap closed when you are ready to send your letter.

Printable letter writing set sample pages

You can download the Little Birdy Letter Writing Set here.

These printables are A4 sized pdf files, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open them.

If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.

Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

More Letter Writing Paper for Kids

If your kids love writing letters check out these fun letter writing paper sets:

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    1. This is gorgeous! I hope my girls are into letter writing when they get older enough to spell something other than their name!! Hehe!! It’s such a beautiful thing to do. Their Pop writes them letters all the time.

    2. Those are sweet. Well done!

      We often write to the kids on Postpals UK, who are living with illness. It’s a very humbling experience for my girls.

    3. Yes, yes, yes Kate – let’s get kids back to the art of handwriting. Well done on your contribution. Love your work and designs. Happy Days, Di

    4. Oh Kate, these are stunning… So looking forward to using them. Mr 2 is not fussed with colours so he’ll happily use pink!

      1. Just click on the link in the post above and follow the instructions at the 4shared site to download the zipfile. Once you have it downloaded double click on the file to ‘un zip’ it and you can open each individual pdf to print it. Hope that helps!

    5. That’s actually a really great idea!
      When I was young, letter writing was something I quite enjoyed. It’s a good way of encouraging kids to pick this up again.
      In a world full of digital letters, it’s sometimes nice to be reminded that there is another way. :-)

      1. Just fold in the side tabs and then the top and bottom. You can glue the bottom to the side tabs if you want, or just put a sticker to hold the top and bottom tabs together on top of the side ones.

    6. Thank you for these cute printables. My daughter has been using them to write thank you letters. Then envelope templates work great!