Back whenthe girls were little, every second word out of their mouths was “why?”.
Over and over, every day, in stereo.
Back then, I thought it was tough, really tough.
But I told myself….
“This will pass… One day they will stop asking ‘why’ every five seconds.”
And they did stop asking ‘why’.
They stopped asking ‘why’, so they could starting asking incredibly complex, hard to explain in a way a 6 year old can understand, questions.
Questions like –
What does ‘zen’ mean?
What is a ‘bogan’?
Where do the waves come from?
Who decided what time it was in the very beginning?
Does sand burn?
Now I long for the good old days of ‘why’, because now I know that the difficult questions have only just begun.
Oooh, thank you so much for the reminder to just enjoy the ‘whys’ while they are this simple :-D
Recently I’ve had “when it is king tide does the sea level go down in the middle of the bay?” and “if the sky is blue because it reflects the sea, why is it blue in the desert?” And, like you, I know these aren’t even the difficult ones…
If you had been able to see my husband’s facebook status earlier tonight it would have fully explained “bogan” (And he wasn’t referring to us!) LOL
And yes, the questions do get harder, and that is why one of the first things to teach them is google! :P
Celebrate those enquiring minds – they grow into the people who make great discoveries.
Checked Zen in Wikapaedia – it didn’t help.
And now with the youngest at 11 I am getting questions about what pads are for and why do girls need them :|
We shoulda taught our kids to just not talk lol
We are just entering the joyful ‘why’ phase!