Rubbermaid Reveal Mop – Review
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Post Updated 2/3/2022
I tested out the Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Microfiber floor mop and it was great for cleaning our hard wood floors.
The Rubbermaid Reveal mop is a great option for cleaning up big or small messes.
My floor is clean!
Ok, it’s not all clean, but I cleaned up that weird sticky spot that has been on the kitchen floor for longer than I want to admit.
I got this funky new Rubbermaid Reveal Mop other day, and my hard wood floors have never been this clean!
It’s very cool, well as cool as a mop is ever going to get.
You can buy the Rubbermaid Reveal Mop on Amazon
Rubbermaid Reveal Mop Features
The Rubbermaid Reveal mop is very sturdy and easy to use. It has a really nice, long, strong and substantial handle and a nice big mop head.
It has this little bottle that you can fill with water and whatever floor cleaning substance you like (in my case my ship sails for a bit of good old vinegar and splash of lavender). Then you pull the trigger up on the handle and it squirts the cleaner on the floor right in front of where you are going to mop! No bucket! Genius!
It’s also got one of those fancy micro fibre cloth pads that you can take off and chuck in the washing machine and reuse over and over, which good for the environment, and my budget.
It’s also nice and compact. I keep ours behind the pantry door which makes it very handy for spot cleaning spills because it is all right there ready to go, just squirt squirt and that patch of unidentified sticky stuff is gone.
So while I feel somewhat smug about the cleanliness of my lovely hard wood floors now, and while I do have a lot of good things to say about this magical new mop, I am perhaps not actually qualified to review it in the first place. I imagine you need to be a slightly better house cleaner than I am, or at the very least someone who cleans their floors a lot more often, before you can give a really great opinion, but regardless, I love it.
Rubbermaid Reveal Mop Update
I was sent my original Rubbermaid Reveal mop to review way back in 2011, it’s now 2022, I still have and use that same mop!
It doesn’t look as shiny and new as it did ten years ago but it is still in perfect working order and it still cleans my floors better and more easily than anything else I have tried.
I am still not a great house cleaner, and I still need to clean my floors a lot more often than I do, but I still love my Rubbermaid Reveal mop!
You can buy the Rubbermaid Reveal Mop on Amazon
What’s the worst mess you’ve had to clean up off the floor?
I’m sure you are all much better at keeping on top of cleaning your floors than I am. But make me feel better by telling me about a time when your floors were as filthy as mine!
I received a complimentary Reveal Mop courtesy of Rubbermaid Australia in 2011. This post has been updated March 2022. All opinions expressed are purely my own.
I’m not sure whether this falls into the category of ‘clean up’, but I sure as hell donned a pair of gloves or two and held my breath for it. On that basis, I think it qualifies. I warn you in advance that this is not a pretty story, and if you have a weak stomach now would be the time to turn the page. However, it is 100% true, and something I never thought I would ever, EVER have to do…
This all happened on a day that I wasn’t feeling too good so decided to take the day off work. In hindsight, it’s lucky I did. The first clean-up event happened at about 11am, when our dear dog Millie (who was also a bit off-colour that morning) threw up her entire breakfast on the kitchen floor. You’d be surprised how far two scoops of dog food will spread, especially when half-digested. ‘No biggie’ I told myself, as I got down on hands and knees with a pair of gloves, a roll of paper towel and the bottle of Nifty to clean up the mess. The hardest part of the procedure was fending off the dog who was instinctively trying to make the evidence disappear.
A bit later I was standing at the kitchen window observing Millie dog going about her daily business outside. As I was watching the world go by, sun shining, birds singing, I noticed that things weren’t going so well for Millie. She was looking quite distressed and…well… seemed to have grown a second tail.
So for the second time that day I pulled on the gloves and went to the aid of the dog. The operation was quite simple. Deep breath, real tail in one hand, other tail in the other hand and pull gently. It kept coming, and coming and coming and coming. Eventually it slithered into a heap on the ground. One-entire-leg-of-a-pantyhose. That thing was a good two metres long, fully stretched.
Needless to say, the dog looked mighty relieved and the reason for her bellyache became apparent. Oh, so apparent.
And I have become so much more careful about where I leave my smalls…
All ready to go to Church on a Sunday
“Where’s the baby” I say to my husband …
searching searching. Find him in the laundry … sitting in the cat box … eating … cat poo! And most of it smeared all over the floor. That would have to be the worst thing I’ve had to ever clean quickly (to get to Church on time) and believe me its not easy to get that smell out of little baby hands and mouth … I do remember retching a few times while trying to clean him!
Aside from the standard baby vomit, exploded nappies (of both varieties) etc etc… I think the hardest was when my gorgeous toddler coloured in our grey grout between our chocolate coloured tiles with orange and red crayon… and not of the washable variety!….
It came out but I killed multiple clothes and basically sanded off my nails in the process :(
I have a double whammy for you Kate, and being a mother of twins I just know you will sympathize with me! Just before Christmas the twins both got sick and were piling up all over my nice clean rug, chunky toast bits and all, well the smell was rank as you could imagine and imagine being down there an your hands and knees with a bucket of cleaning stuff, kids puke and it was all to much for this mumma, and I was off to the toilet to have my own vomit! Which of course I then had to clean up!! Not fun!!
I could handle the nappies with the consistency of beer froth that oozed EVERYWHERE when Lou was a baby… even the vomit after hubby’s big night out that somehow sprayed all over the hallway walls and ceiling but I think the absolute worst was coming home to find that our sick puppy had pooed all over the house… Puppy diarrhea *shudder* thinking about it still makes me want to hurl!