Sewing School Skirts.

I’ve been sewing school skirts!

Now try saying that six times really fast after a shot of tequila and a late night…. oh now where was I? Ah yes, school skirts, and I sewed them!

I am not a fabulous sewer. I can’t follow a proper pattern to save myself and I am easily confused by how all the bits go together. But I want to be a better sewer. I want to be able to sew useful stuff for me and my family, so I am trying to let go of the ‘it’s not perfect so it must be crap’ syndrome and just sew stuff. Surely the way to get better is to practice? Right?

So the girls needed something to wear to school now that the weather is getting colder. We’ve managed to find a couple of pairs of pants that fit (with alterations to keep them up – oh to be too tall and skinny) and I’m very keen on buying them the super cute school tunics, but as an extra option I decided I would sew them skirts to wear over some leggings.

I bought the green chord material months ago when I saw it in the right colour on special and just had to work up the courage to get cutting and sewing. I used one of their much loved skirts as a ‘pattern’ and after battling with the darn over-locker (how hard are those things to re-thread?) I am quite pleased with the results!

Ok, so one of the skirts is noticeably shorter than the other one, but it’s not super obvious when they have them on. Also the pocket openings aren’t actually big enough to fit a hand into, but they look cute and the girls like them and that is all that matters!

I can’t say I am in a hurry to do it all again any time soon, but I do think a different version with a drop waist and gathered skirt might be nice… one day.

Do you sew?
What have you being sewing lately?
Got any tips for a hack sewer like me?

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    1. What are you doing drinking shots of a tequila at, is it 7 months now? :P

      I don’t sew, yet. I’ve asked my mum to teach me. She is going to teach me how to knit too, but so far we have just started on crochet. I figure I am learning well as I can see when I’ve made a mistake, I just can’t figure out how to fix it! :)

      Having said that the cat broke my wool last night and I figured out how to add a new thread and it hasn’t fallen apart. Yet …

    2. They look very cute Kate, isn’t it wonderful when kids love something you have made for them… in their eyes our creations are always perfect!

      Drop waisted with gathered skirt is super easy… just a couple of rectangles :)

    3. I tried to make curtains once… (not sure what came over me) but they ended up one big un-fixable mess of material and cotton mixed in there somewhere was a sewing machine.

      So i think you have done a wonderful job with these skirts :)

    4. I’ve really enjoyed the tiny bit of sewing I’ve done! One day when I have the time I plan to take lessons though.