Simple Parenting and Play Planner Review and Give Away.
It’s funny how things pop up at just the right time…
A few weeks ago I felt like I was drowning in all the things I had to do and I just didn’t know how to get out of the busy cycle I was in. I asked you all for your ideas and suggestions and got some fabulous information, and I also got an email from Melitsa from Raising Playful Tots asking me if I would like to have a look at her Simple Parenting and Play Planner (Affiliate Link).
To be honest, initially I wasn’t sure if the planner was for me. Three out of my four kids are at school now, so my days are not all about play any more, and I wasn’t sure I had time to work through a system and follow guidelines, I was already busy enough! But something made me say yes, despite of my negative thoughts, and I am glad I did!
The planner is not just for parents with preschool aged kids, it is not a wordy ‘lesson’ with lots of workbook type pages to slog through, and it is not time consuming to use.
The Simple Parenting and Play Planner is is full of information, ideas and inspiration. It is all the lists and routines and calendars you wish you had time to create for your family, already done and waiting for you to add your own information, ideas and dreams.
The ebook format is easy to read through and even easier to print the pages that you need right now to get on top of the things you have to do, and then go back and print the pages you’d love to work on to plan the things you want to do when you have more time.
It’s not only helped me feel a little more on top of my crazy schedule, but it’s also helped me plan for some of the things I wish we could do but never get around to. Things like individual time for our kids, and even a little time for me and my goals!
I’ve got some more great tips and ideas to share with you on ways to ‘beat busy’ coming up, but right now I have a copy of The Simple Parenting and Play Planner to give away!
Win a Simple Parenting and Play Planner.
This competition is now closed. Congratulations to Jeniece!
If you didn’t win a copy of the play planner on my blog or one of the other blog tour partners then you can buy a copy of the downloadable print-and-write Simple Parenting and Play Planner for $15 USD here (affiliate link)
If you’d like to win a copy of The Simple Parenting and Play Planner simple leave a comment and answer the question – What do you wish you could do more of with your family? The most interesting or fun answer will win. Pop over to the Raising Playful Tots facebook page and say hello too.
Terms and Conditions.
Entry is open to everyone.
You must provide a valid email address and entries are limited to one per household/IP address.
Entries open Friday April 4th at 8:00pm and close Monday April 14 2014 at midday AEsT.
One winner will be contacted by email and announced on this post within 7 days of the competition ending.
The winner must contact me within 3 days or the prize will be re-drawn.
The winner agrees to have their contact details passed on to Melitsa from Raising Playful Tots who will organise to email the pdf document to the winner.
For more chances to with the Simple Parenting and Play Planner check out the other bloggers who are joining the blog tour and enter their giveaways too!
Monday 31 March – My Healthy Beginning
Tuesday 1 April – The Mom Writes
Wednesday 2 April – RainyDay Mum
Thursday 3 April – Megan Flatt
Friday 4 April – Picklebums – that’s me!
Saturday 5th April – Bliss Beyond Naptime
Monday 7 April – A Free Spirit Life
Tuesday 8 April – Simple Kids
Wednesday 9 April – Mama Scouts
Thursday 10 April – Plannerisms
Friday 11 April – Raising Playful Tots
And if you can’t wait to find out if you’ve won, you can buy a copy of the downloadable print-and-write Simple Parenting and Play Planner for $15 USD here (affiliate link)
{Disclosure: I was given a copy of the planner in return for my honest feedback. I was not compensated for this post in any other way and the opinions expressed are my own. I liked the planner so much that I became an affiliate, so if you buy a copy of the planner via the affiliate links in this post I will receive a commission on those sales.}
I would like to “Be” with my sons instead of looking at my electronic to do lists.
I want to “be four” with my sons and make believe pirates in the tree tops and collect treasures.
I want to “be for” my sons and have enough time and energy to get the housework done, dinner cooked but done without me having to deny time with them.
I want to have something left at the end of the day with my husband, telling him tales of piracy and treasure hunts and share a meal and an actual conversation!
I want to plan my week ,so that I am able to spend quality time with both of my kids aged 6 and 1 in areas of their interest.It would be good if we can plan ahead and stick to the routine and not extend the office hours
Hi Kate-nice to *meet* you on this blog tour! I love what you’re creating here-it’s like a virtual playground for mamas. The phrase ‘printable downloads’ always makes my heart skip a beat and has my 6 year old feel like a little teacher, just like that. It’s perfect.
Thank YOU for what you’re contributing to the world!
I wish we had more fun and playful times together as a family. I find it so hard to prioritise and I know how important it is. Sometimes it all gets a little too serious in our house! The planner looks great!
I wish that I was more organized. I often find so many great activities online in the evenings, but only manage to put into action a few of them. I want more playing time and less planning time!
I wish I could follow through with all the fun activities I see on the web with my family.
The idea of having a proper planner is a great one. I write a list then another & then another for the list. It’s crazy. I should be :- Getting outdoors more, creating more, crafting more, living more, loving more! Generally devoting more of me to my daughter (3&1/2) and son (1&1/2). Focusing on their individual needs as well as joint activities! Giving everything whole heatedly to them at the park, beach, farm, wherever it may be! Less stress, more happy!!
I’m a brand new mom. I’m still adjusting around my babies schedule. I would love a place to put all the wonderful ideas I hear and see so I will remember everything my husband and I would like to experience with our son. So we can see the light in his eyes