Simple Microwave Play Dough Recipe.

Play dough is a great activity for kid of all ages and this simple microwave playdough recipe is an easy way to make homemade play dough any time.

If you’ve got kids who love play dough as much as mine do, making your own dough is a cost effective way to alway has some play dough on hand, plus the kids will love making and using their very own play dough.

Simple microwave play dough recipe

Cooked play dough always has a lovely smooth consistency and is great to play with, but it can be a time consuming, arm aching, thing to make with all that standing at the stove and stirring as the dough cooks. This microwave playdough recipe us a great alternative.

This play dough recipe is quick and easy to make, and the result is a silky smooth dough that will keep in a sealed container for weeks.

We use this play dough with our printable play dough mats, to make some jungle play dough, and for this fun play dough stamping activity. It’s perfect for all kinds of fun play dough activities.

How to Make Microwave Playdough

You’ll need a large microwave safe container and a large, sturdy spoon to make this dough. You’ll also need a lightly floured surface to knead the dough once it is finished cooking, but be careful, it will be hot!

You can leave the cream of tar tar out of this recipe, but it is much better to add it if you can, it helps preserve the dough for longer and helps to stop going sticky over time.

You can colour this dough easily with food colouring, liquid water colours, or kid’s paint, and even add some glitter to make it sparkle!

pink playdough with more dough behind it

Simple Microwave Play Dough Recipe.

Yield: Makes enough dough for 2-4 children.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

This easy microwaves playdough recipe makes a super smooth cooked dough without out the constant stirring for stove top dough.


  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup of salt
  • 4 tbsp of cream of tar tar
  • 2 tbsp of oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • colouring – food dye or paint.


    1. In a large microwave safe container mix all the ingredients together.
    2. Zap it in the microwave on a medium/high setting for around 2 minutes.
    3. Stir the mixture well and pop it back in for another minute.
    4. Check to see if the mixture is starting to come together to form a dough. When you notice the dough coming together mix it well, then pinch a bit between your fingers (careful – it’s hot) if it’s still sticky, stir it again and pop in back in for another 30 seconds.
    5. Keep zapping and stirring until your dough is smooth and not sticky or wet.
    6. Allow to cool a little them dump it out on a floured surface for a quick knead.


You can add the colouring to the whole batch before cooking, or divide the dough into portions after it is cooked add a small amount of colouring to each one and knead it in.

You can also add glitter after it is cooked to make a sparkly dough!

This recipe makes enough for my four kids to have a good lump each to play with. Half this recipe is probably enough for two and more than enough for one.

When you are done playing you can store the playdough in an airtight container or snap lock bag (try to get all the air out before you seal it). It should keep for a few weeks if well sealed.

Simple microwave play dough recipe

Playdough is such a great activity for kids of all ages. It’s a great way to develop and refine fine motor skills ready for writing, and there are so many fun ways to create, experiment and explore ideas with playdough.

With this easy microwave playdough recipe there is really no excuse not to make some playdough for your kids!

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    1. my girls love play dough too.another easy way to make it, is to use boiling water instead of cooking it…..sounds horrid.but it works!!

    2. You’re right about the mess. Picking it out from between decking boards can be tedious to say the least. But they do love it. Thanks for reminding me!

    3. We had the homemade playdough out just this morning! So much nicer than the store bought.

      I actually don’t find it that messy, but I do keep the kids confined to the table!

    4. Mine are a bit old for playdough now… although they used to love my home-made stuff. They loved it too much actually. Boo would sneakily eat it!!! Despite all the salt! (or perhaps because of all the salt!)

    5. Just made this for the first time . PERFECT. Too easy ,bored kids now using their imagination and having fun . Wish I knew of your site 5 years ago, would have helped my sanity. It’s a great site that I read and use often . Well done !

      1. Store it in an air tight container or a snap lock bag (try to get as much air out as you can before you seal it). It should keep for a few weeks if well sealed.