Sing it Like an Opera Singer

Sing it like an opera singer - a silly way to be a better parent!

If you are about to loose it.

If the day is going to hell in a hand basket.

If all else fails… Sing it like an opera singer.

If you need to loosen up a little and let go of anger, sing Taylor Swift songs like an opera singer.

If you need to get the kids to listen, sing whatever they need to hear like an opera singer.

If you or the kids need to remember something, sing it like an opera singer, over and over.

If you need to laugh, sing “Roar” like an opera singer.

Go on… try it right now…

I’ll even make a huge fool of myself and show you how it’s done…

* * * * * * * *

Some days parenting is hard, and some days it is soul crushing.
Some days the pressure to get it right and be perfect all the time is such a heavy weight to carry.
Some days what we need is not another rule, or perfect parenting goal to aspire to, what we need is a little bit of silly. A little something crazy to make us all laugh, and to get our message across in a fun and light way and to keep us all sane!

I am working on including a little more fun and silliness into my parenting and will be sharing some of my silly ways to be a better parent over the next few months.

What silly, funny, crazy parenting tricks do you have up your sleeve for times when you need to lighten up a little?

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    1. I love you! So brilliant and you are absolutely right, no one can be too grumpy when there is opera singing. I am going to do this!

    2. Oh my goodness, that seriously cracked me up! I’ve watched it about 3 times over it’s just that funny. Love it and fabulous idea. Hahahahahaha

    3. I’m doing this. It has been a rough couple of days with Miss 4 – I have been worrying if things will get worse when she’s older.
      Put my name down for a parenting course but it doesn’t run on the days she’s at kindy (of course).
      I will try your singing method! Also I feel so relieved that I’m not the only one who says “my head will explode”! Haha!

    4. The girls and I will often break into song,it’s a good tension release and stops Miss 8 from feeling like she’s carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders…. They do the duet from Frozen so well!! I’m more Katy Perry!!! Well I try ;)

    5. Oh, how I love this. I have been doing this for years and my kids are old enough now to roll their eyes at me, but it gets the point across.

      I LOVE how you demonstrate the technique. You are such a hoot! Love your blog.

      Natalie, The Educational Tourist