Star and Circle Paper Christmas Decorations – Free Printable.

Sometimes, when your day isn’t going so great, that is the perfect time to get crafty. It’s the perfect time to make these easy star and circle paper Christmas decorations.

Free printable star and circle paper Christmas decorations

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I had good intentions today.

Intentions to get all the washing done, to weed the garden and to get some tasks finished that have been hanging over my head for way too long.

I had good intentions today, but then I had to pick up a sick kid from school, and then the washing machine died while it was full of wet washing, and I spilled half a tub of yoghurt all over the floor. And then all my good intentions flew out the window.

I cleaned up the yoghurt, settled the unwell child in front of a movie, and ignored everything else (including the wet washing) and I sat down and made some paper Christmas decorations instead.

If you have good intentions to ignore and would like to make some star and circle paper decorations, here’s how to make them.

Free printable paper christmas ornaments

How to Make Star and Circle Paper Christmas Decorations.

To make these star and circle paper Christmas decorations you’ll need, our printable pdf templates, some light card or photo paper, a printer, some string, and some glue or double sided tape.

Free printable paper christmas decorations to make

You can download the template to make the paper star ornaments here.

And download the template to make the paper circle ornaments here.

This printable is an A4 sized pdf file, you will need a pdf reader such as adobe acrobat to open it. If you are printing on US ‘letter sized’ paper be sure to select ‘fit’ or ‘shrink to fit’ from your printer options.

Please remember that the printables at are for personal use only, you may not sell, share, or link directly to these files.

Once you have downloaded the pdf templates you’ll need to print them on some light card, or photo paper. I used a regular inkjet printer (affiliate link) to make these, and printed them onto matte photo paper (affiliate link).

Making folded paper christmas decorations

Putting these Christmas paper decorations together is really simple.

Cut out the shapes (the circles are sized for a 2 inch circle punch if you happen to have one), and fold each one in half down the middle. Scoring the centre line before you fold them will help you get a good crisp, clean fold, which helps when it comes time to stick them together.

You can use glue, or double sided tape to stick them together. I used five stars to make the star decorations and experimented with four and six circles to make the circular ones. Put a dab of glue or some tape onto the back of of each folded shape and stick them, back to back until you’ve built up the shape how you want it.

Paper star and circle christmas decorations

Before sticking the last two halves together run a loop of string up the middle for hanging and tie a big knot at the bottom to keep it in place. We added some pony beads to the top and bottom to add some extra colour and sparkle.

Now these circle and star paper Christmas decorations are hanging on our tree along with all the other crazy decorations we have, but I still need to deal with that wet washing!

2013 Christmas Printables -paper decorations to print and make

What is hanging on your Christmas tree?

Do you ever deal with a bad day by just giving up and getting creative?

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    1. Very cute idea! You said you scored the cut outs, so you glued them together? Or did you make a slit in the top/bottom of each piece and slide them together? Would love to see a few more photos of your process from start to finish. Also if you did use glue what type of glue did you use.Thanks!

      1. As I said in the post, I folded the shapes down the middle and glued or taped them together with double sided tape.

        Unfortunately since we made these quite a few years ago now, I don’t have any extra photos other than what is in the post, but these are super simple to make and the instructions are also included on the printable.

    2. I adore the stars and circles. Our family is broke this year. I’m excited I stumbled upon your decorations. I think the the stars and circles alone will be awesome. Thank you for sharing your creativity with all of us. Happy Holidays. : )

    3. I’ve had special paper from our wedding for years now, wanting to make something meaningful with it. I’ve finally found it!! Thank you, thank you.

    4. What a lovely idea. I would like to do this with my class. Can you perhaps tell me wether it might be better to use thicker paper so that the glue isn´t so visible?