You know it’s holidays when…

These holidays have felt short but wonderful. So many moments that I just wanted to revel in and repeat over and over again… but we picked up our book packs today, paid the school fees and got the big kid’s hair cut. I don’t want to face it, but the holidays are almost over.

Just a few more days to wallow in the glory that is summer holidays.

You know it is summer holidays when…

…when the kids wear PJs all day and so do you.

…when a paddle in the pool counts as a bath 4 days out of 7.


…when you need to factor in an extra half hour to put sunscreen on everyone before you go anywhere outside.

…when you get up in the morning and decide to ditch all plans and head to your favourite beach.


…when dinner is bread and salad five days in a row and no one cares.

…when bed time is put off indefinitely while you water the veggie garden.

summer garden

…when you are refusing to count how many sleeps until school goes back.

How do you know it is summer holidays?

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    1. I know its summer when watermelon, mangoes and ice blocks become a staple part of the diet…and my favorite part about summer…the know its summer when the long afternoon stretches out in to a beautiful breezy evening spent sitting on the verandah contemplating life and everything in it!

    2. Our holidays have been filled with dizzying highs and crazy lows. My 6yo asd boy has screamed/stimmed non stop for the last month, my nerves are extremely frayed as a result, but he is doing all this fabulous talking, trying new foods, and we are like 95% toilet trained. My 2 yo is also 90% toilet trained and my 18m old is just a joy. I, on the other hand have injured my back and need more surgery. Started many a day by jumping into our swimmers and hitting the local pool by 8am. Always had a good day when we did this.