Sunday, Lovely Sunday.

Finally, a day without rain! The girls have been outside since breakfast and I’ve barely seen them, save feeding them now and then. The Small Boy and I have pottered around outside here and there, planted a few more seeds and cooked dinner and dessert. It’s been rather lovely.

This is the view from our back paddock, under the big old trees. I am never quite sure if our house looks like a huge mess or a quaint little farm house? But check out how green that grass is! I’m so used to it being brown and dead it looks odd to me when it is green!

We were up the back collecting sticks for the fire. It’s stopped raining and is supposed to be warm by Tuesday but it was 3 degrees this morning so still cold enough to need the fire on. We picked a bunch of lavender on the way past too.

The bees are obviously enjoying a day without rain too.

And this guy too. We have hundreds of these caterpillars all over the place at the moment.

So what did you do today?

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  1. It looks like a blissful day at your place. Can almost smell the lavender in that picture.

    We did our first one month grocery shop. I’m trying to change the way we shop. So it was a big day for us.

    We also cleaned off and used for the first time the BBQ my husband inherited from his Dad.

    So a bit of a day for firsts at our house :)

  2. We had a lovely day here in canberra as well, lots of sun! We had some friends around for a BBQ, I haven’t posted yet, but took some photos so will post a bit later on this evening! YAY for sunny days :)

  3. I think your place looks gorgeous and not a mess at all! I am soooo jealous of your lovely green grass – I will have to post a photo of my backyard so you can see why I’m suffering the green eyed monster. Your photos are beautiful – my favourite is the lavender and the bees!

  4. Kate, that is just gorgeous. It really reminds me of my aunt & uncle’s place.

    There seems to be a BBQ theme going on here! We went to buy new plates & grills for our BBQ to get some more life out of it. Other than that, a bit of cooking, a bit of gardening, time spent reading my book – a nice day!

  5. sounds like you had a lovely day. we went into the city to great my husband as he crossed the finish line of the Around The Bay in a Day cycling trip. just being out in melbourne with the kids reminded me again why we moved here.

  6. ha ha – yesterday was the first day we HAD rain in a long long time!!

    We went to the beach for a play, played in the garden then enjoyed the heavens opening for a few brief minutes.