Swimming, Swimming… in the swimming pool….

It’s raining here right now… you wouldn’t guess that a few days ago we were on our third day over 33 degrees! I love the heat, and living in the country and just that little bit higher up usually means that we get the hot days that Melbourne gets but slightly cooler nights… which is just exactly my kind of weather. But the past few days didn’t see much cooling off over night and by Friday the house was like a sauna and it was windy and horrible.

I’d toyed with the idea of taking the girls up to the (almost) local pool for a late arvo swim…. I even emailed a more local friend to ask her what the pool was like and get her opinion on whether I’d survive it on my own. But when the day came around my motivation was really lacking.. even though my lovely friend was keen to meet us there. I did however pull my socks up and when the girls woke just decided we’d go… even though I didn’t much feel like it. I am so glad we did!

Not only did we have a great time splashing around at the pool I was reminded how good it is just to sit around and chat to a friend. Someone who gets how it is, someone you share something with, someone you can just chat to. We had the most lovely afternoon/evening.

It seems I often get an attack of the lazy’s or a little bit of self doubt creeps in and I worry about what someone might think and then I decide that we won’t go somewhere. I really need to kick myself up the bum on these occasions though. Nine times out of ten when I do make the effort to go we end up having a really wonderful time, and the one time in ten that it is not so hot is not going to kill me. I cringe when I think about all the good times the we’ve all missed out on because I haven’t been able to get myself going.

I am not the most social creature in the world… meeting new people scares me crazy and I worry that I am boring and won’t have anything interesting to say…. but when I let that get in the way of spending time with friends that is just crazy. So I owe it to my girls and to myself to make more of an effort. To spend more time with my wonderful friends (especially those that are leaving us soon!) and to make an effort to try new things and meet new people. I don’t want my girls growing up socially stunted and it is up to me to make a difference.

So when term starts we really are going to go and try out the casual kids dance sessions in town. Sure it might be a total disaster but we won’t know till we try, and we might just have a really great time like we did with our friends at the pool the other day!

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    1. Kudos to you for recognising what you feel and do in that area is something you want to change. I often used to feel the same, but for some reason the last few years I haven’t let it stop me, and it really is a lot more fun! So it is definitely something that can be changed, and you will soon see the benefits over and over.

      Plus, we’re going to meet up this year, somewhere, sometime – no excuses! ;)

    2. First off, CONGRATULATIONS! I just skimmed over some of your last posts (I’m a terrible blog keeperuperer) and saw the wonderful news… I’m so happy for you all.

      I have to admit that I’m very similar in the lack of motivation department… I’m not a social person either, and meeting new people scares me too… ditto on the thinking I’m too boring and not having anything to say. WTG for you sticking your neck out and giving it all a go… now just to motivate myself to do the same ;).

    3. You not have something interesting to say? I can’t imagine that! In fact, I wish I had a car, or that we lived closer because I’m so sure that I could have such interesting conversations with you!!!

    4. I man, you could have been talking about me! I know EXACTLY what you mean! I get all gung ho and then panic when I really have to actually leave home, although I am slightly different in that once I have met someone I am really comfortable and camn relax, so cheers to you! May this year be a big social event for you and your clan! :)