It’s freakishly hot in our part of the world at the moment, and set to get even hotter before the week is out. We don’t have air-conditioning or a swimming pool (I wish on both accounts) so four 40 degree days (that’s about 104 Fahrenheit) in a row isn’t going to be much fun with three small children stuck in a very hot house.
What on earth am I going to do with the kids so that we all stay sane? I’ve been wracking my brains and googling and come up with a list…
1. Get Wet Outside.
Since we don’t have our own pool we either suck up to someone who does, or hit up the local public pool. Our local pool is a pretty cheap option for a family and the inside pool is lovely and cool but no need to worry about sunburn or burning your feet on the concrete. You could also head to the beach… but beware of burning sand and sun stroke.
2. Get Wet inside.
Get busy with water play. Let the kids wash the dishes. Bring the paddling pool inside. Float some ice blocks in the bath.
3. Get Wet in your own backyard.
Water restrictions permitting (we are on tank water so can do with it whatever we like) fill up the paddling pool. Turn on the sprinkler. Make your own slip and slide with a bit of plastic, some water and detergent. Wash the car. Have a water fight.
4. Go to the Library.
Libraries are always air-conditioned and very kid friendly.
5. Hire a DVD about Penguins
Or some other really cold place and vege out on the couch while you watch. Or you could make your own Penguin house.
6. Go for a Drive.
Got air-conditioning in your car? Pack up some snacks and some CDs and go for a drive to get a break from the heat. Hey if you go through some evil drive through place on the way home no one will blame you.. after all it is a million degrees out there, no one should turn on an oven in this weather.
7. Go shopping.
Shopping centres are air-conditioned… and full of entertainment. Maybe a movie? Or just some window shopping and people watching.
8. Eat cold food.
Ok so it isn’t actually going to cool you down very much but it’s a start. Freeze fruit – we’ve done grapes and pineapple on sticks (because the Twinadoes are convinced that good tastes better if it comes on a stick). Make your own icy-poles. Make a ‘slushy’ ice drink.
9. Sleep outside.
Set up the tent in the backyard or find some mosquito nets and ‘sleep under the stars’.
10. Go read up some of the crazy and clever ideas to stay cool from wikihow
Stay cool people…. or warm if you happen to be on the other side of the world and freezing right now.
Guera says
Great ideas, Kate! We’ve had quite a few super hot days in the last few weeks and with no air-conditioning either (or a pool) we’ve been searching for wasy to stay cool. We’ve been for a few drives and to the shops (although that has the frustration of non-stop pestering), the movies and to mooch off friends/families who have a pool. Must try the ice-blocks in the bath next time – the kids would love that!
Jodie says
We’ve done the ice blocks in the bath, my kids had a ball.
Iced water in large plastic basins is also fun, you can add some iceblocks, sit them on a large towel and everyone can soak their feet while reading, drawing, watching a DVD etc. Also even my eight year old can still just squeeze into the old plastic baby bath, we fill it with cold water in the shade of the veranda.
At my kids non air conditioned school, the teachers have cheap spray bottles filled with water and they “spritz” the kids as a treat.
Thankfully we aren’t as hot down here in Tassie as in Vic this week.
Trace says
The only problem with number 9 is that (at the moment) it is hotter outside than it is inside!!! Even at 9pm! Crazy weather!!! Would be a great night for a swim… if only our pump hadn’t broken down :(
We also tried the icy penguin idea… didn’t last long though before they were complaining their hands were too cold and wanted to add hot water~ just can’t please them sometimes!
I am so glad I am going to work tomorrow!
jeanie says
Watermelon always worked a treat for us!
tiff says
Ugh! The heat is awful.
I love your ideas.
We lay low until about 4 pm and then venture outside.