The World of Ridiculous Comparisons.
Sometimes I get sucked in…
I get sucked in by the images on instagram, the pins, the status updates and the blog posts…
I get sucked into the world of ridiculous comparisons.
I must be the only mother in the world who doesn’t adore her kids enough to take selfies with them and post them instagram.
Surely I am the only person who’s house doesn’t have a single corner beautiful enough to be pinned on pinterest.
I am most definitely the only person who can’t come up with a witty comment for twitter, or a facebook status facebook that interests anyone but my great aunt.
This is a mug’s game, I know it is.
I’ve been around social media long enough to know that you only see one tiny glimpse of someone’s life on facebook or instagram.
I’ve spent enough hours on pinterest to know that when I pin things I totally and utterly love, I will probably never actually do or have most of them.
I’ve written enough blog posts to know that you pick the best photo to feature in your article and to pin on pinterest, not the one with the piles of washing in the background and the fighting kids down the hall.
I’ve shared enough of my life online to know that there are many things you do not share, many things you will never share, because they are personal, or not wholly yours to share.
I know all these things because I am sitting here, tapping away at my keyboard, wanting you to know that my life is not perfect. My life is messy, and difficult, and chaotic, even if it doesn’t always look it online.
Yet somehow, even those of us who willingly share the messy, not so great, moments in life, are seen through the rose coloured filter of internet.
Even I think my life looks so much better via my instagram feed!
But it’s a trick.
It’s some magical internet trick that taps into our insecurities and lets them fill in the missing pieces of people’s online lives with the perfect details we are so sure they must actually live.
Let’s ditch the comparison thing.
The next time I feel myself being sucked into the world of ridiculous comparison I am going to remember that I am me, not anyone else.
My life is mine, my days are mine, I do not need to compare myself to anyone.
I am not perfect, nor do I want to be perfect.
It is the wonky, imperfect bits of me that make me who I am.
i so needed to read this post, thankyou
I need to write it :) So you are totally welcome!
I love when bloggers share a glimpse of their “real” life! I know it’s there- that it can’t be exactly how the picture shows- that there is more outside the frame that we don’t see and likely it looks like my house (chaos, dust, laundry, etc.). I follow many sewing bloggers and seeing perfect, complete projects can be inspiring, but it can also be intimidating and even frustrating when the things I’m working on are not as perfect, or taking forever to get done, etc. I always love a little reality reminder that we all live in the real world- not Pinterest! Thanks!
Ah yes it is such a fine line between inspiration and frustration isn’t it!
O yes! I stopped Facebook and stopped folowing a lit of people on Instagram because of it! I love pretty things, but seeing all those ‘showrooms’ wasn’t good for me. It’s all so materialistic and I never saw them doing something with their children. So, I like the ‘real’ feeds more.
Yes! All those perfect homes filled with fabulous things can really suck you into that ‘I have to have x y and z’ kind of thinking. Not at all what I need when I am trying to buy less and have less!
Thank you for writing this blog. I often read your blogs and feel myself lacking. It’s nice to know we’re a lot more similar than I thought!
Ack, yes!! Especially as bloggers- there are so many little places we have to be and things we have to be good at, and for most of us, it’s only us doing everything! We especially can’t compare ourselves to others who have teams to do the same things we are trying to do all ourselves. Thanks for this post, Kate.
Thanks Kate – I can completely relate. I love this quote: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” -Theodore Roosevelt
Oh my, yes! Just too easy to get sucked in-despite how hard I try! I even took a social media break for over a year to rid myself of those negative thoughts. Personally it was what I needed to focus on what’s important and recognize who I wanted or did not need in my life. Love this post!!
Great post! Such a great reminder. It also confirms my choice that kept me sleepless last night was the right choice. I rarely compare possessions and that does not bother me, being poor. But in this case it was a networking of photographers trying to put themselves out on top that has caused me to leave their company. I’m more about the community building up each other than a marketing competitive thing. I do blog photos of my every day life, ever single day. No one reads them or cares though and that’s okay with me.
What a refreshing article. This resonates so much with me.
Life in context – how important to remember – thank you!