When Greg, the Yellow Wiggle ‘retired’ due to illness not long ago I was sure that no one could ever take his place. I was sure that this house’s love for the Wiggles, while not at obsession level it was still quite strong. would dwindle without our beloved Greg. It just wouldn’t be The Wiggles without Greg…
This morning before we rushed off to kinder we watched the beginning of ‘Wiggle… and Learn’ (sing a long with me now in your best deep Anthony voice,.. “let’s have some, let’s have some, let”s have some fun!) and as all four of us sat glued to the TV I realised that I like the new Yellow Wiggle… I like Sam… I do!
Sam can sing, I like his singing voice and style. He can dance too. He has a presence about him… I am not sure what sort of presence but I must admit I do enjoy watching him. It’s a pity about the really daggy hair cut, but his sweet face and goofy smile make up for that to some extent.
So there you have it… I was wrong… There can be a new Yellow Wiggle, just as good (well almost) as Greg. Go Sam go…. you loved almost as much as Murray in this house now!
Dee says
We saw the wiggles in concert the nov or dec after Greg retired, Sam was performing I thought he was fabulous, he can really sing! He used to be one of the backup singers.
I agree he has a presence, all in his goofyness.
Damn you now i have ‘wiggle and learn’ in my head bleh!
Kelsey says
haha I agree I like Sam!
Lightening says
I think he sings better than Greg did (oh, shock horror that I might think that!!! ;). The change happened about the time we grew out of wiggles around here but I’ve still heard Sam a few times. We tend to be creatures of habit though don’t we? Don’t like change!!! OR is that just me? :)
Sister Suffragette says
Yep I approve of Sam too. Tiger loves him and the trasition was seamless. I was worried there may be hard times, but no, Sam’s great and we moved on!
Kylie says
Hmm – Sam’s not too bad – but Anthony – I’ll happily watch the Blue Wiggle all day!!!!
Pink Lemonade Liz says
There will never be another Greg “Wiggle”/Page, but Sam does offer a fresh, young perspective to the bunch.
We met Sam (and the rest of the guys) at a Special Needs Kiddo “Meet & Greet” in March ’07, (their first tour without Greg) and we found him very charming (In fact, they are all very charming and exactly the same people you see on TV – very real).
It was after Sam joined the foursome that they “went back to their roots” of very “preschool” songs – where before they were on the verge of “Mainstream” in some of their stuff. My kids have now decided that they’re too big for The Wiggles – a Sad, Sad, Wiggly Day….
I give Sam a thumbs-up… but none of them hold a “feather” to the Captain!
If anyone is interested… I just wrote an article about how Greg is doing on Pink Lemonade – http://pinklemonadeoflife.blogspot.com/2008/06/wiggling-stopped-but-can-music-continue.html
…Can anyone tell I’m an obsessive (but not in a scary way – LOL!) Wiggles Fan??…
Barbara says
I can’t get used to Sam but then again, my boys are older now and don’t watch it. I suppose if we watched it more often (like we used to) I would get used to him. He does have a special sparkle about him though :)
tiff says
We are huge Wiggles fans here. Huge. I am coming to terms with Sam as the new yellow Wiggle but greg will always be my favourite. There is just something about him.
I got to meet the Wiggles just as they were getting started. Pre kids, I worked in Childcare and took a bunch of kids to the local community hall to see four guys, two of whom were originally from the Cockroaches band. Greg was just finishing up an early childhood degree at the local uni.
They were great and Greg was the same age as me :)
I love the whole Wiggles success story. When I had Immy and Maddy, they were just finding their feet and today, 12 years and 65 million albums later, we still have them in the house. in fact they’re new DVD You make me feel like dancing has just been purchased for our viewing pleasure!
Yep, the Wiggles are great with Sammy and Ivy and Noah have accepted him into the fold but for me (and for Immy, maddy and Lily) there’s no one like Greg.
tiff says
Meant to say that Murray is our new fave.
cramstankin says
hmmmm, nope can’t do it, sorry kate. sam just doesnt do it for us. i’ve tried and i only watch dvd’s of the *old* stuff. i fear change. i also dont like the new Hi-5 crew. he he he he