Ten Things I know about Infant Reflux.
We are still fighting the evil beast that is reflux, and despite having done this all before (and in stereo) when the girls were little, it’s surprising how quickly I forgot the basics.
So in case you ever find yourself with a spewy baby here are ten things I know (or have suddenly remembered) about infant reflux….
- It doesn’t matter if is 2 minutes or 2 hours since his last feed, the baby will spew when you buckle him into his car seat.
- AÂ bib will be your baby’s main fashion accessory. It needs to be big, and absorbent and you may as well splurge on some cool ones!
- You will go out with spew all down your back and not realise it until you get home… and you’ll wonder why on earth no one ever told you!
- You will allow various friends and relatives to hold the baby and leave with spew all down their backs without telling them, in revenge for #3
- Yes, that awful, sour, off cheese, kind of smell is coming from you, or your baby, or both.
- You will begin shopping for brightly coloured clothing with insanely busy patterns in an vain attempt to camouflage the trails of spew.
- When people ask to hold the baby you always respond with a warning: “Sure, but he’ll spew on you.”
- People will hand back the baby quick smart when they realise just how much spew you were talking about.
- Ricotta cheese is suddenly a lot less appetising.
- You will suddenly realise how many words you have for ‘vomit’…. hurl, spew, chuck, spit-up, fountain face, techni-colour yawn, rolf, chunder….
So what do you know today?
And NEVER wear black. That white streak might never come out!
Ironically, I had a happy chucker and one with silent reflux. I kept several nappies in every room and only wore a bra with a shirt next to the door, so if someone knocked I could put it on. When she finally stopped I threw out all the shirts.
I hope the drugs help!
Oh, gawd, the memories!
Aspie teen could projectile chunder to Olympic standard!
I like to call it chunder