Things that Make me Smile…

It’s a tiny bit depressing coming home from holidays this time around.

Often I am more than ready to get back home, back to my own bed and a normal life, but this time around I really, badly, didn’t want to leave. For so many reasons staying a little longer seemed like a really good idea. The weather was just lovely and I knew it would be cold and grey back here. The location and all the nifty things we could do was so enticing. Having one adult per child and being able to spend time with just one or two of them, even without any of them at all, but also without having to worry about them, if they were happy etc, was just bliss.

Most of all, being with friends who I miss very very much was just so wonderful. It made me realise how little time I have spent with friends, or in fact, with any other adult who I share things in common with, in the past six months. How little time I have spent just chatting and enjoying someone else’s company and feeling like they enjoy mine. Suddenly being able to spend time with two women who I just click with so well (not something that happens often for me I admit) was just so intoxicating and so hard to leave.

So back home and just feeling a little blah about the whole thing I think I need to join in Lightening’s Smiley Saturday and blog myself a little pick me up…

So what is making me smile at the moment? My nutbag children of course!

We got the girls an MP3 player each to take on holidays. I loaded them up with various spoken stories so they’d have something to distract them on the plane, in the car and something to listen to while falling asleep (they have a story CD on every night at home). As usual I left things till the last minute – the night before we left I quickly dumped whatever I had on the computer onto them, not stopping to check too carefully what they ended up with. They first used them on the plane, then later that same day driving from the airport to Caloundra, when I could hear Izzy singing from the back seat and wondered what on earth she was listening to….

“It’s the say you song Mamma.”

The what? There wasn’t any songs on there….

“The say you song…. (breaks into song) Say you… say me… say it together, naturally…”

I had a quick check and it seems Izzy’s mp3 player came with a preloaded ‘test’ song which just happened to be Say You Say Me by Lionel Richie…

Cheesy? Much!

Izzy loved it and quickly learnt all the words and would sing along at the top of her lungs each time it came on. She got almost got all the words right too… except for this bit…

“I had a dream… I had an AWFUL dream….”

You gotta smile when your five year old sings cheesey 80’s music slightly out of tune for the whole plane to hear.

What’s made you smile this week? Head on over and join in the Smiley Saturday Fun!

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    1. LOL! That is too cute!
      I know what you mean about having one adult per child, and spending time with people you just ‘click’ with. I miss these things, too.
      Thank goodness for children and cheesy 80’s music, huh?