Things That Make My Heart Sing…
* When the toddler is upset and seeks out one of the big kids for a cuddle instead of me.
* Getting to school pick up early and watching a teacher being chased in Duck Duck Goose while his whole class shrieks with laughter!
* When Morgan refuses to sing the ‘rude’ happy birthday song to his friend because he “luffs her!”
* Seeing the toddler ask a little boy who fell at the park “you ok??”
* When Zoe comes home from school and tells me about her day, finishing with “he’s the nicest boy I know!”
What is making your heart sing?
When my 3.5yr old sings his conversations to me :)
What a beautiful post! I love when my girls turn to each other and pat when really upset. They now ask ‘you ok?’ too…so cute….until they bop each other again lol!