This Week

This week at the picklefarm

This week my boy is better. His pants fall down when he walks and he is still falling in a heap tired now and then, but he is better, so much better.

So this week I tried to catch up on all the things that I hadn’t gotten done when he was sick. By Monday afternoon I totally gave up on that idea.

You see, this week is school holidays. This week I have all four of my babies at home, all day, every day. There was no lunches to be made, no notices to return, and no dragging kids out of bed in the morning. And the sun was shining (well mostly) and there were swimming lessons to go to, and origami to fold, and movies to see, and cubbies to build, and dams to visit.

This was not the week to catch up on anything, so I haven’t. Some things I am working away at in little snatches of time here and there, some things I have resigned to deal with later, and some things I have just written off all together.

Sometimes it is better to let go than catch up.

Here are some things I did catch this week…

How to let go of a bad day… yep, I needed to read this.
Why I didn’t Step in When Kids Told my Daughter to Go Away… a lesson in letting to let them learn.
A big box and some markers… not just for babies, my kids still love this simple activity.
The Real Boy Crisis… as the mother of a boy who has no interest in traditional male sports and is therefore struggling in the playground, this was interesting.

What have you been up to this week?

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    1. Neither of my boys likes team sports – after lots of trial and error we’ve found a couple of physical activities they like (swimming and gymnastics/circus class) so they just do these instead. Some of their friends are really sporty and I think they feel a bit left out sometimes (but also sure that it isn’t for them). They have managed to make some friends who also aren’t into traditional sports and I think this helps. They both love music and have found some lovely non-sporty friends through choirs/music groups. Good luck for your boy – it can be hard not fitting into the mainstream.

      1. My boy is loving swimming and gym right now too which is making things a little easier. I am hoping that he’ll continue to find his feet at school as he gets older, the first year is always the hardest right?