Thousands of Biscuits!

It’s no wonder that my girls like to roll their eyes, I’m sure it’s hereditary. When they both looked me dead in the eye and quiet seriously told me that could only eat tiny teddies in their school lunches because my home made biscuits were too big and took too long to eat, I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled right out of my head and went splat on the floor.

My 4 cms in diameter, home made, delicious cookies, take too long to eat??
You have to be kidding me!

Still, there is no point arguing with the Stubborn Twins. It is much better to just go with the flow and try and beat them at their own game, and that’s just what I did.

Yesterday afternoon I made my famous Hundred’s of Biscuits recipe, but instead of making a hundred regular sized biscuits, I made thousands of tiny little biscuits.

So today, when my girls open up their lunch boxes they will find a little container full of bite sized, home made, chocolate cookie goodness!
Take that Miss Picky and Miss Pickier!

tiny chocolate biscuits cookies

Here’s a variation on my Hundreds of Biscuits (originally from Simple Savings) recipe to make tiny chocolate versions…

Tiny Chocolate Cookies

500g margarine/butter
1 tin condensed milk
1 cup brown sugar
4 table spoons of cocoa
3/4 cup of small choc chips (optional)
5 cups self-raising flour

Cream butter and sugar. Add condensed milk and cocoa and mix well. Add flour and chocolate chips (leave out a handful of choc chips for later), combine until the mixture comes together to form a soft dough.

Roll 1/2 teaspoons of mixture into a ball, pop them on a well greased tray and flatten with your thumb, or the back of a fork. Push a choc chip into the top of each biscuit. Bake in a moderate oven for 10-12 minutes or until just beginning to brown. It is better to under rather than over bake these biscuits.

This recipe makes LOTS of biscuits. Over 100 regular sized and many more tiny ones. You will need either one very big bowl, or divide the ingredients into two bowls for mixing. The dough freezes very well, so cook as many as you like for now, then roll sausage of the dough in foil and freeze for later.

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    1. :)

      I have decided that at some point in the future I’d like to buy a machine that seals-off plastic bags and a label maker. So I can make food while my kids are at school (I’m looking into the future here), label it creatively, seal-it, then pretend it is store-bought.

      ….. because even my two year old will eat anything in a brown paper bag that looks like it is from the bakery but not half the things I cook….