Two is
The words tumble out of his mouth in a jumble of mixed up sounds and syllables. And yet he seems to assume that I understand every word.
When I ask him to repeat himself he gives me an exasperated look and repeats the same gobbledegook first a little slower, and then faster when I still don’t understand.
After a few incorrect guesses on my part he flings himself to the floor and cries.
It is exasperating and endearing at the same time.
In fact my Small Boy is exactly that… frustrating and beautiful all at the same time.
In a few days he will be two.
Two is full of juxtapositions and impossibilities.
Two is about wanting to change the laws of physics. It is about wanting to be both big and little at the same time. It’s about wanting Daddy when there is only Mummy and Mummy when there is only Daddy.
Two is about needing a nap only on the days when we are too busy to have one. It is about trying new things, but being set in your ways. It is about talking a mile a minute yet no one can understand what you are saying.
Two is about being oh so grown up and yet still my baby boy.
Happy birthday to my almost two-year old.
Oh Kate so very true. I share every word you have written. Full of wonderment and yet full of tantrums at not yet getting the world around him. Full of I want Dad and Mum on his terms. My baby turns two on the 5th of July….is your son around the same time? You expression Juxtaposition and impossibilities a very apt summary of a two year old *soon to be* :) Enjoy
Two already! Time flies!
I adored the year of A being two, so much more than I ever thought I would (two has a bad reputation!).
What a gorgeous little blondie! He’s adorable. Happy Birthday cutie pie!
Happy Birthday to N! I can’t believe how much he looks like you!
Oh bless what a cutie pie! I have a 17 month old and also a 34 month old! I can’t wait until Mr 17 months starts really speaking – he knows so much but is still not saying many words. I know in a few months it will be just as your gorgeous boy – words tumbling out in a stream! I already get the lying on the floor crying when I don’t understand what he wants! Boys :)
I love your post! I have 2 x 2 year-olds and totally relate to how you describe this amazing (but also frustrating) stage of development. Happy birthday to your little one.
My babu will be two next month, and I sooo get this.
Happy birthday gorgeous boy!
My toddler is 2.5, so we’re starting to turn a corner on the whole ‘making sense’ thing. Its such an amazing time, G astounds me one minute and drives me nuts the next.
Your little boy is gorgeous x
Oh hes gorgeous ! Even though I was constantly frustrated when I had two year olds…….I kinda miss it ! :-)
How beautiful ! Gorgeous lad you have Kate .Time has flown.
Oh, Kate! This is so gorgeous! My twinlets are almost 2 and a half and this post summed up perfectly how I’ve been feeling the past couple of months! Everything seems to go from zero to 100 in nano seconds !
But I’m loving it. Every beautiful, crazy, challenging moment.
It’s all true! I’m going to copy that description to apply to my two-year-old as well – “frustrating yet beautiful” – perfect! Happy birthday to your boy, he’s such a cutie.