Eight Awesome ways to procrastinate

8 Awesome ways to procrastinate!

I have achieved very little this week.

Well apart from keeping four children alive and mostly happy, apart from that momentous feat, the main thing I have done this week is procrastinate.

I am very good at procrastinating… very, very good.

If you need a little help with the whole procrastinating thing, here are eight awesome ways to procrastinate.

  1. Look at awesome back yards with amazing swimming pools that you will never have on Pinterest.
  2. Do a little facebook stalking – why of course it is a good idea to look up the boy you had a crush on in high school to see how he turned out, of course.
  3. Bake cookies… or just make cookie dough and eat it
  4. Wander around the garden pretending to pull out weeds.
  5. Organise your kindle books by category.
  6. Write a list of things you would do if you won 10 million dollars.
  7. Sit in the sunshine because vitamin D is important you know.
  8. Candy crush… soda.

Are you any good at procrastinating?

If you are as good at procrastinating as I am, let me know your secrets! I could always use a few new ways to procrastinate for next week!
Leave a comment below and tell me your favourite way to procrastinate.

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    One Comment

    1. Start 5 things and don’t finish any of them………yep just flick from one to the other without really achieving anything!