We Play Dolls.

Not surprisingly there has been a lot of interest in babies in our house of late. So we hunted out the dolls and the big basket of dolls clothes, found a few spare baby blankets and set up the Big Boy’s new castle cubby with comfy places for babies to sleep….

doll play
Muski was given this doll as a baby. His name is ‘Doll Doll’ and he loves him very much.

A long piece of cloth and Muski can wear Doll Doll in a sling just like I am wearing his baby brother.

We’ve also been singing lullabies to our babies. Our current favourite is the Italian Fa La Nana Bambino

Fa la Nana Bambino

Fa la nana bambino
Fa la nana bambino
Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma
Fa la ninna bel bambin,
Fa la nanna bambin bel,
Fa la ninna, fa la nanna
Nella braccia della mamma.

And a rough (very) translation…
Go to sleep baby
Go to sleep baby
Go to sleep, go to sleepy
In the arms of your mother,
Go to sleep, lovely child,
Go to sleepy, child so lovely,
Go to sleep, go to sleepy
In the arms of your mother.

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    1. What is it that I love so much about a child nuturing their dolly? Aren’t you just so proud that you have been his role model for him to display such care?

    2. That is a great song and how wonderful that Muski is getting into the doll play and imitating mummy :)

    3. Those are some gorgeous photos!What a proud Papa!

      Is that a song The Wiggles do? I can hear it in my head, but when I look at the words I just can’t think how it goes :S

    4. If only he was a bit taller you could put the actual sling and baby on him ;)
      Gorgeous boy lovin’ on his doll.

    5. My two love their dolls, any cloth becomes a wrap or blanket. It is gorgeous to see boys getting into it too.

    6. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a Dad with a sling on but I should of. Know stereotyping in this family. Great for you. Love the picture of Muski and the sling but better yet is the doll’s name, Doll,Doll. Leave it to a male to keep it simple. Now that was a stereotypical statement.

    7. Oooh thank you! I’ve always wanted to know what the words to the fourth line of that song are! LOL

    8. Both the sling and song are gorgeous…We have been playing with dolls a lot in this house too lately. I will have to learn that lullaby and add it to our songlist!

      Thanks for sharing!