We Play – Farms!

Muski and I are playing along with Childhood101’s We Play link up today!

We’ve been busy playing farms today!

First we had to decide which of our large selection of animals lived on a farm and which didn’t (Can you see two who probably shouldn’t be there?). Then we found some nice green grass (an off cut of green polar fleece) and some pine cones, rocks and seed pods for food. We used some wooden blocks for fences because we know from watching our neighbours that the cows and the horses don’t like to be in the same paddock together.

And of course we had to sing about farms too!
Our favourite farm animal song of the moment….

I Went to Visit a Farm One Day!

I went to visit a farm one day,
I met a *insert name of animals here* along the way,
and what do you think I heard it say?
*sound of animal here*

I went to visit a farm one day,
I met a cow along the way,
and what do you think I heard it say?
Moo! Moo! Moo!

Let your child choose the animal and say it’s name in the appropriate part of the song, and then make the sound at the end. Of course the animal also needs to dance around the farm when it is their turn.

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    1. Okay … I’m getting that the monkey shouldn’t be there, but I’m not convinced that the giant lizard is out of place. Sure, he’s not in proportion, but big lizards sren’t strangers to farms, surely? And I don’t think he needs to make a noise, he can just stick his tongue out.

      Now, trying to figure out what sound a fish makes when playing animal sound games is beyond me …

    2. I like it! Post more of those play ideas with songs (I remember a pretend party and candles a while back), I love to have a song for all play occasions.

    3. What a great blog (childhood101) – will have to explore further.

      Love the song for your farm play- will be trying some of these things out as Noah grows!

    4. Giggles. Why can’t the monkey and giant lizard be on the farm?

      I love this environment that you have created! I love the separation of the animals. Especially that the monkey is on the fence – symbolic? Maybe.

      Great post x Gorgeous pictures. How do you get them so bright?