Weekly Winners the Ballet Edition…

It’s been a while since I’ve played along with Weekly Winners over at Sarcastic Mom’s blog. My camera has been a bit idle now that the weather has gotten darker and gloomier, but today was filled with photo opportunities!

I took the Twindaoes to the dress rehearsal for their ballet concert today. Most of the photos I couldn’t easily edit out the other kids so I only have a handful to share… but can you imagine ten or so other 3-5 year olds all lined up on stage in these outfits??

For those family members with tickets to the concert who don’t want the surprise spoiled look away now.. for the rest of you….

You can play guess the twin with this one if you’d like.. if you haven’t died from the cuteness of small girls in pink tu tus!

They are both in this photo… that bit of pink tuile in the back is Zoe.

Tap dancing ducks…. though I still think they look more like dancing giraffes… all long gangly legs going in all directions, but cute.. you have to admit they are cute!

“When the rain falls down let it roll of your back”… those are the words of the song, and yes they are supposedly both doing the same dance moves!

Ah the joys of being a mother to girls.

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    1. adorable …the costumes too.
      The concert will be delightful – they will steal the show.

      I will miss not having a daughter doing ballet …though my twins dance around to wiggles.

    2. Fantastic photos! I love the reflections on the floor! And the stance in the first photo is classic (by both girls)!

    3. True ballerinas in those pink tutus and the cutest ducklings I ever did see. Can’t wait for the big day.