What Do You Wish You Were Better At?
Izzy wishes she could do the perfect cartwheel.
Zoe wishes she could write great songs.
Morgan wishes he could read, and write, and draw perfectly.
Noey wishes… well he just wishes he could do everything everyone else is doing.
Everyone in our house wishes they were better at something.
I wish I was better at time management.
I wish I was better at making decisions.
I wish I could sing, really well.
I wish I was braver.
I tell my kids that if they practice something they will get better at it. If they try again and again they will improve.
It worked with learning to ride a bike… but no matter how many times I practice doing the laundry I don’t seem to get any better at it!
What do you wish you were better at?
I can play the piano just enough to know how far I have to go to be really good! I am mostly self taught so I have heaps of bad habits, which after about 20 years, probably are not going to go away.
My 4 year old told me once that she wished she could fly better! I wasn’t aware she could fly at all.
I wish I was better at setting and keeping to budget!
And to be grand karaoke champion.
I thought you already were grand karaoke champion?
Guess we need to have another singstar party or karaoke night to find out for sure!
I wish I was good at telling people what I really think. I’m not very brave.
I wish I could design things. I just don’t have the right eye.
To be able to sing and dance would be nice too!
I wish I was better at saying no.
I too wish I could sing well. I also wish I was better at social gatherings. I’m no good with small talk :(
Maybe you’re at your peak with the laundry and there is no more room to improve? ;)
I wish I was better and faster at 3d so I could churn out a character a day, if I could I’d have done my entire cast plus extras by now and be well ready to animate and source voice actors and sound people and the miscellany of other talents I’m sure I’ll need to outsource.
I’ve been asked if it is actually possible to churn out a fully done (modelled, textured and rigged) 3d character in a day and I’ve realised I have no idea. Realistically, probably not. I just think I should be able to :)
Like Marita, I wish I was better at saying no. I end up overcommitted and resentful when in reality, I just had to not volunteer/agree to every request for help in the first place.
I wish I could read faster. So many good blogs, so little time!