What Does Wednesday Look Like?
This is what Wednesday afternoons look like at our house.
The much awaited 30 minutes of computer time each!
What does Wednesday look like in your house?
Are you children allowed to spend time using the computer? If so how do you decide when and for how long?
I play Wordless Wednesday with My Little Drummer Boys.
Oh It looks like they all were very keen to get their turn
ah yes, we have a running list about who’s turn it is to go first, and have to set the timer so they know when to switch… but oddly they all help each other and rarely fight once we have it all sorted out!
Oh you are so good !!! I let beren spend far too much time on the computer. Giving this a think too I think. Is it only once a week?
It used to be 30 minutes once a week but has crept up to twice a week. Now that the weather is bad they get another 30 minutes on the weekend when they can choose computer or wii.
I am pretty strict about what they can and can’t play and the first 10 minutes has t be a program they do at school.
They are also allowed 45 minutes TV time between bath and dinner on week days but don’t usually use it.
This works well for us, except for the arguments about who’s turn it is to go first!!!
My 6 year old has his own laptop computer in his bedroom. I don’t control when or how long he uses it for but only because he doesn’t use it all that much. He mostly uses it to look up things on google – essential life skills like how to draw a cartoon dog or make a boiled egg disappear into his ear and appear again in his pocket. He’s not into using his computer for games or talking to his friends (or whatever it is they do these days) – so if that changes I might have to set some limits.
We’ve just started doing Mathletics only – they lose interest soon enough because it isn’t a game.
Great photo Kate.
je suis mère de 4 enfants je suis comme vous tous les mercredis aprés midis ils ont droit a 30 minutes ! si il ya la pluie ce sera aussi le weekend aussi 30 minutes, l’ordinateur et le wii sont dans le salon c’est pour tout le monde ,il appartient a toute la famille . pour la télé c’est aprés les devoirs 45 minutes , bonne continuation!!