What To Do With a Big Box? – Make a Town

What do to with a big box - here's a simple and fun way to play with a big box

A recent delivery came in a big box! The was much excitement as the big kids and I surveyed the long, but shallow box and pondered what we could do with it. It wasn’t big enough for a cubby, and it was too big to make into a car. Then I had an idea…

I got out the markers and drew some roads on the bottom of the box, then left the kids to decide what to do next.

what to do with a big box

A little while later there were many more roads, a beach, some paddocks for the horses, Hargid’s house, a droid workshop and somewhere for the Ewoks to sleep.

what to do with a big box

The big box had become a whole town. More drawings have been added since then and the legos have been built and rebuilt, arranged and rearranged…

Box Town

Not only has it keep the kids engaged for hours and hours, it’s also contained all those tiny bits of lego. No more standing on a droid head and trying not to swear!

what to do with a big box

Stay tuned for more things we’ve been doing with the big box!

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