What’s on your Fridge?

Last week I joined in the new (to me) Wandering Wednesday and this week I am taking up yet another new blogging challenge!

what's on my fridge august

Since all the pickles have been a tad sick this week and since they are such caring and sharing children they have given it to me now, we haven’t wandered much further than our fridge… which is why Maxabella Loves’ August Chronicles – What’s on Your Fridge blog hop seemed like such a good idea!

fridge magnet
My all time favourite fridge magnet (a gift from my SIL so she knows how true that statement really is) is holding up excursion forms that I must must must remember to fill in and send back to school for the girls.

on my fridge menu plan

The other favourite magnet holds up a prized possession… Muski’s offer for a kinder place next year! We finally got the letter yesterday after much worry that he may have missed out. Yay for Kinder! The the left is my menu planning calendar – but as you can see I haven’t done much planning for this last week of August. The last week of August?? What? How did that happen!?!?

whats on your fridge

And this little scrap of local newspaper… a reminder that we need to find some money to buy a truck load of fire wood before we run out!

Yes, life is exciting here at the Pickle Farm!

So what’s on your fridge?

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  1. Love your fridge! Thanks for taking part in the Chronicles.

    The big words for sentences are fab (I haven’t seen them before!) and I want one of those ‘normal family’ magnets!!!!


  2. That “nice normal family” one is a quote from a movie or a TV show, isn’t it? It irritates me – I can’t remember which one. Do you know?

  3. Google to the rescue! The quote is from The Simpsons. Spoken by Homer at the company picnic in Season 1, Episode 4: There’s No Disgrace Like Home.

    Okay, now I definitely need to stop procrastinating.

  4. I love that nice normal family magnet and your big words. Unfortunately (or fortunately) our fridge is that unmarkable stainless steel look, which is not magnetic so nothing is on our fridge – pretty boring really. But I do have a big box of large Freddo frogs on top of the fridge that I am meant to be selling for school fund raising. but so far I have been the main buyer.