When Mum is Sick…
When Mum is sick screen time limits are non-existent.
When Mum is sick a jar of olives counts as a green vegetable.
When Mum is sick clean socks are optional.
When Mum is sick a colony of mice could take up residence in the piles of laundry and feed themselves from the crumbs on the floor.
When Mum is sick the answer to everything is “… um… er.. I don’t know, ask me later.”
When Mum is sick school lunch is whatever you can find in the pantry or fridge.
And yet…
When Mum is sick she still manages to get us to school, and dancing, and everywhere else on time.
When Mum is sick she still manages to make sure we eat something other than just Tim Tams.
When Mum is sick she still manages to find time to listen, and cuddle, and fix stuff.
I’ve been down with a head cold this week. It’s nothing serious, but it’s making me feel crappy, and tired, and just over everything.
In the past I would have taken some medication, mainlined vitamin C, and battled through. I would have tried my hardest to keep doing all the things I usually do, all the things I think I have to do, despite being sick
But this time, this week, I have forced myself to slow down and let go.
I didn’t give up entirely – the kids still got to school, I still attended parent teacher interviews, but I let a lot of things go.
I’ve also asked for help, I’ve said no, and I’ve allowed myself to rest.
It’s not been easy for me.
My head is still spinning with a huge list of all the things I haven’t done, and even more I should be doing…
But you know what?
The world didn’t end.
The world didn’t end because I didn’t write a blog post on Tuesday, or because we had fish and chips for dinner last night, or because the floors are filthy, and my five year old has watched way too much Mr Maker, and my big boy wore dirty socks to school.
Nope, the world did not come crashing down around me because I took some time out to rest.
None of those things really mattered in the big scheme of things.
What mattered is that I gave myself grace, I listened to my body that has been screaming for rest and I put myself somewhere other than last on the list.
I hope I have reminded myself, and my kids, that you don’t always have to ‘tough it out’, and that looking after yourself is important.
How do you manage when you are sick?
Are you able to take a break? Even a mini one? Or do you battle on regardless?
Do you have any tips or tricks for making things easier when you are sick?
Any ideas how I can kick this blasted head cold?
Leave me a comment below and join the conversation.
Hi Kate. I hope you are felling better now. It’s awful to feel so “off” – with no one to give us the sympathy that we smother on our kids when they are sick. You are right – life goes on though. You get the bare essentials done and you just get through each day as best you can. I try to rest up as much as I can when I am sick – that’s the only way that I could possible get through it all. Here’s hoping you are ok now :)