Where did the week go?

So yet another week has slipped passed… at least I know where this past week has gone though!

Monday – Story time at the library!
Zoe even stood up and joined in an action song and yelled out animal sounds at appropriate moments in the story! For those who know our Zoe this is a HUGE improvement from the first three trips where she closed her eyes and had me put my hands over her ears!

Tuesday – Playgroup!
Nothing better than a sunny afternoon spent chatting with friends.

Wednesday – Friday HOLIDAY!
Well ok it wasn’t really a holiday but since there has been way too much over time done int he past month or so and we needed to put some extra kms on the lease car (to make up for Christmas break) we decided to head out of town for a few nights on the spare of the moment.

Wednesday arvo we headed to Camperdown to Aunty Jenny’s very cool house for the night. Aunty Jenny is a Crafter with a capitol C so her amazing house is filled with all kinds of goodies.. the girls thought it was magical! Plus she has a gorgeous puppy and an apple tree full of apples so the girls are definitely keen to go back for another visit.. or four!

Thursday after picnic lunch in the botanic gardens at Camperdown and having attention lavished on them by their great aunt we headed off on a long drive to add the kms… off to Warnambool for a play on some of the very awesome adventure playground sets there, (we have plans to go back sometime and stay a week.. anyone want to come!) then back around the coast to Apollo bay for the night in a caravan park cabin.

The girls managed a swim in the caravan park pool before dinner even though it was freezing and enjoyed their second night of dinner in a restaurant… even got to choose a slice of fancy cake to share after eating their fish and chips, prawns and calimari. Friday we had a quick paddle at the beach and then headed home…. 800kms on the car and time spent together, well worth the effort.

Saturday – outlaw day!
We had the ‘greats’ for afternoon tea (Aunty Sue, Aunty Jenny and Great Nan) and then Grandma Jill and Aunty Sarah for Dinner…. so the girls had had attention overload and The vegie garden had been thoroughly shown off by the time we kicked everyone out and fell into bed.

Back to ‘normal’ days today with himself being back on shift and Nanny and Bobo back from holidays this week… so maybe I will manage a blog post or two during the week, or maybe not!

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