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Got questions?
Who has house plants? I think I need some house plants.

What was that girl thinking standing so close to two polar bears?

Where can I get mushroom compost north west of Melbourne?

When did I forget how to function on a tiny amount of sleep?

Why does it always rain at school pick up time?

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    1. I always wonder about the sleep thing but figured it’s because I used up all my reserves and then some having three kids ;)

      It’s a bit like how does a sleeping baby know when you go from standing with them to sitting?

      1. Oh I like that answer… fairly sure I am still in deficit sleep wise from the baby days, and the ‘sick three year old days’ are not helping!

    2. When is Lachie’s head going to explode and go to jail? Owie’s question of the day…………..mmmmmmmm I think mummy may have been referring to her head exploding lately but rest assured I have not been in jail.

      1. The singlet thief is the same thief that stole one of my girls’ winter school dress I’m sure of it!

        I have a ‘forever to get to sleep-er’ too… she can’t switch her brain off. Drives me nuts, but then I totally understand where she’s coming from too…

    3. I’ve got some answers for you :)

      Who has house plants? I think I need some house plants. – I had house plants, my husband killed them :( RIP house plants

      What was that girl thinking standing so close to two polar bears? If she’s anything like my kids, she’s thinking they look like two big dogs so lets go pat them.

      Where can I get mushroom compost north west of Melbourne? I’m not sure what would be closest to you but there’s a place in Werribee, in Tullamarine or in Bacchus Marsh that I know of.

      When did I forget how to function on a tiny amount of sleep? The babies grew up and you got used to getting more sleep, so your body adjusted. Now your bodies in shock from lack of sleep, if you did it for a week or two your body would adjust again. (oh how I love sleep – sick of all the colds!!)

      Why does it always rain at school pick up time? So the kids can jump in puddles and mud on the way home and make sure you are well and truly soaked! If you ask me it’s just mean!!!

      1. oooh look at all those answers! You are awesome!
        (especially on the mushroom compost cause a google search turned up nothing!)

        1. Try one of these – Bacchus Marsh Red Gum Supply, Tullamarine Garden Supplies and Werribee Sand and Soil. I know the latter definitely has it and I’ve been told the others do as well. Hope that helps! :)

    4. {crazyspeedylove.com}
      House Plants – overrated!…and only my opinion because I am know as the plant-killer in my family! xx